SMS Providers

Form ID: (SM203535)

You use this form to register a short message service (SMS) account from which the system will send text notifications. The Twillio and Amazon SMS providers are available. To register a system SMS account, you select a service provider and specify the necessary credentials. After the connection properties have been specified, you can verify the connection by sending a test message.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Table 1. Form-Specific Buttons
Button Description
Send Test Message Opens the Send Test Message dialog box, where you can specify the phone number to which the system will send the message; you also enter the message itself. If you receive the entered test message on the device for which you entered a number, the connection properties have been specified properly.
Table 2. Send Test Message Dialog BoxThis dialog box, which is brought up when you click Send Test Message on the form toolbar, has the following elements.
Element Description
To The phone number to which the system will send the test message specified in the Body box.
Body The text that the system will send to the phone number specified in the To box.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
OK Closes the dialog box and initiates the sending of the test message.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without sending the test message.

Summary Area

You use this area to identify the SMS provider. You can specify the name and details for a new SMS provider, or you can select an existing provider by its name and view its information.

Element Description
Name The name of the SMS provider, for which you will register a system SMS account. You can use an alphanumeric string of up to 100 characters.
Provider Type

The type of provider, such as the following:

  • PX.SmsProvider.AWS.AwsSnsSmsProvider (Amazon)
  • PX.SmsProvider.Twilio.TwilioVoiceProvider (Twilio)
Default A check box that indicates (if selected) that this provider is marked as the default and that the system will use this provider to send two-factor authentication messages. For details on two-factor authentication, see Managing Two-Factor Authentication.

Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab provides the list of parameters, with the specific parameters determined by the selected provider type. If you are defining a new provider, enter the appropriate settings in the Value column.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Name The name of the parameter, which is specific to the provider type. For details about the parameters of the providers, follow the links below:
Value The value of the parameter to be used by the provider.
Table 4. Amazon SMS Provider Parameters
Parameter Description
Access key ID The access identifier that you have received from the Amazon SMS provider.
Secret access key The access key that you have received from the Amazon SMS provider.
AWS Region The location of the AWS servers that you use for the SMS service.
Table 5. Twilio SMS Provider Parameters
Parameter Description
Account SID The identifier of your account with the Twilio SMS provider.
Auth Token The authentication token that you have received from the Twilio SMS provider.
From Number The phone number from which the system will send the text messages.