Drop-Ship Vendor Returns: Mass-Processing Forms

In the following sections, you can find details about the mass-processing forms you may want to review to simplify the processing of documents.

Note: If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.

Processing Multiple Returns

You can release multiple returns on the Release Purchase Receipts (PO501000) form by selecting the unlabeled check box for the purchase returns to be processed in the table and clicking Process on the form toolbar to release the process return.

Mass-Creating SO Invoices

You can create multiple invoices on the Process Orders (SO501000) form by selecting the Prepare Invoice action, selecting the unlabeled check box for the sales orders to be processed in the table, and clicking Process on the form toolbar to generate the SO invoice or invoices.

Mass-Creating Drop-Ship Invoices

You can create multiple drop-ship invoices on the Process Shipments (SO503000) form by selecting the Prepare Drop-Ship Invoice action in the Selection area, selecting the unlabeled check box for the documents to be processed in the table, and clicking Process on the form toolbar to generate the drop-ship invoice or invoices.