Blanket Sales Orders: Related Reports and Inquiry Form

In the following sections, you can find details about the reports and inquiry form that you may want to review to gather information about sales with blanket sales orders.

Note: If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.

Reviewing Summary Information About Blanket Sales Orders

On the Blanket Sales Order Summary (SO610600) report, you can review summary information about all blanket sales orders. This information is grouped by order type, reference number, and date.

Reviewing Detailed Information About Blanket Sales Orders

On the Blanket Sales Order Details (SO610700) report, you can review detailed information about blanket sales order lines and child orders created for these lines.

Reviewing the Expiration Dates of Blanket Sales Orders

On the Blanket Sales Order Review (SO403000) inquiry form, you can review blanket sales orders and their expiration dates if these dates have been specified.

The inquiry form provides some statistical information on each listed blanket sales order: the open quantity in the blanket sales order, the quantity in its child orders, the percent of the unshipped quantity, sand the number of days before the expiration of the order. You can click any blanket sales order in the inquiry results and then click the Blanket Sales Order Details icon on the side panel in the right part of the form to view the Blanket Sales Order Details (SO610700) report for the selected blanket sales order.