Submitting Documents for Recognition

If the Document Recognition Service feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Create AP Document button appears on the add-in form for emails with PDF attachments.

If you click the Create AP Document button for an email that has only one PDF file attached, the attachment is uploaded to the system and processed by the document recognition service. If you click the Create AP Document button for an email with multiple PDF attachments, a list of the attached documents is displayed so that you select a check box for each document that should be submitted for recognition and then click Continue; as a result, the selected attachments are uploaded to the system and processed by the document recognition service.

If the list of documents that the system displays after you have clicked the Create AP Document button includes a document that has already been recognized, the unlabeled check box for this document is cleared and non-editable.

After a document has been recognized, the View Document button appears on the add-in form for the processed email.

By clicking the View Document button for an email that has only one PDF file attached, you can open the recognized document on the Incoming Documents (AP301100) form. If you click the View Document button for an email that has multiple PDF attachments, the system displays a list of the attachments so that you select the unlabeled check box for the document that you want to review and then click Continue; as a result, the recognized document opens on the Incoming Documents form.

If the list of documents that the system displays after you have clicked the View Document button includes a document that has not yet been recognized, the unlabeled check box for this document is cleared and non-editable.

For more information about AP document recognition, see Recognizing AP Documents From PDFs.