Model Equipment and Component Summary

Form ID: (FS400400)

On this form, you can view all the stock items defined in the system as model equipment or component (that is, the Model Equipment Item Class or Component check box is selected for their item classes on the Service Management tab of the Item Classes (IN201000) form). For details, see Model Equipment.

Form Toolbar

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Selection Area

By using the element in this area, you can view in the table the data that is most relevant to your needs for information.

Element Description
Item Class ID The item class that is used as the model template for which you want to view data.


This table displays the summary data for the equipment and components that meets the criteria you have specified in the Selection area.

Table 1. Table Columns
Element Description
Inventory ID The identifier of the stock item that is defined in the system as model equipment or component.
Equipment Class The type of equipment of the stock items that belong to the item class which can be one of the following:
  • Model Equipment: Stock items of this type should be tracked (either for preventive maintenance or for warranty handling) after they are sold.
  • Component: Stock items of this type can be sold as parts of equipment entities. Components can have warranties, serial numbers, and other settings that are independent from these settings for the equipment entity.
Item Status The status of the stock item. You can select one of the following options:
  • Active: The item can be used in inventory operations, such as issues, adjustments, and receipts.
  • No Sales: The item cannot be sold.
  • No Purchases: The item cannot be purchased.
  • No Request: The item cannot be used on requests and requisition, while it can be included in sales and purchase order, inventory issues and receipts.
  • Inactive: No inventory operations are allowed for the stock item.
  • Marked for Deletion: The item is marked for deletion: No inventory operations are allowed, but the record will be kept in the database if any inventory transactions were related to it.
Class ID The item class associated with the item.
Manufacturer ID The identifier of the company that produced the item.
Manufacturer Model The identifier of the manufacturer model that is assigned to the item.