To Prepare Commissions
You can prepare salespersons' commissions for the commission period by using first the Calculate Commissions (AR505500) form and then the Close Commission Period (AR506500) form. For information about how to define commission settings, see To Configure Commissions.
To Prepare Commissions
- Open the Calculate Commissions (AR505500) form.
- In the Commission Period box, check the status of the commission period (that is, the period for which the commissions should be calculated; you can prepare commissions for only an open period).
- In the table, check the list of salespersons with their commissions calculated for the commission period.
- On the form toolbar, click Process All to initiate commission processing for the period, collecting commission information for applicable invoices. If the operation has completed successfully, the system changes the status of the commission period to Prepared.
To Close the Commission Period
- Open the Close Commission Period (AR506500) form.
- In the Commission Period box, select the period you want to close.
Check the Status box. You can close the commission period only if it has the Prepared status.
- In the table, check the list of salespersons with the commissions they earned for the commission period.
- On the form toolbar, click Close Period to initiate the process of collecting commission information and then close the period. If the operation completes successfully, the system changes the status of the commission period to Closed.
If new invoices or payments for the period arrive after you have prepared the
commission, you need to repeat the process of preparing commissions. To do this,
select the period and then click Void Commission on the form