Company Without Branches: Implementation Checklist

You can use the tables in this topic to quickly check whether the basic company configuration steps are being performed in MYOB Advanced. The following tables cover both mandatory configuration steps and recommended configuration steps.

Table 1. Mandatory ConfigurationTo ensure that the basic configuration of a company has been implemented properly, make sure that the necessary features have been enabled and the needed entities have been created, as listed in the following table.
Form Criteria to Check
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Standard Financials group of features has been enabled.
Companies (CS101500) form Make sure that the necessary company has been created and that the necessary ledger has been created and assigned to it.
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form Make sure that the necessary accounts for performing financial operations have been added.
General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form Make sure that all necessary settings to use the general ledger functionality have been specified, including the YTD Net Income and Retained Earnings accounts.
Financial Year (GL101000) form Make sure that the first financial year in which the company will operate has been added and the periods have been generated.
Company Financial Calendar (GL201100) form Make sure that the periods in which the company will operate are open.
Cash Management Preferences (CA102000) form Make sure that all necessary settings to use the cash management functionality have been specified, including the Cash-in-Transit account.
Cash Accounts (CA202000) form Make sure that the necessary cash accounts to record cash entries and funds transfers have been created, and that the necessary entry types have been assigned to them.
Payment Methods (CA204000) form Make sure that the payment methods to be used have been created and defined to use the proper accounts.
Entry Types (CA203000) form Make sure that the necessary entry types for processing cash payments have been created and assigned to the related cash accounts.
Credit Terms (CS206500) form Make sure that the needed credit terms—those that are commonly used by vendors in their relations with your company, and those that are used by your company in its relations with customers—have been created.
Vendor Classes (AP201000) form Make sure that the default vendor class, which provides the default values for vendor accounts and for other vendor classes, has been created.
Accounts Payable Preferences (AP101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings to use the accounts payable functionality have been specified.
Statement Cycles (AR202800) form Make sure that the necessary statement cycles, which will later be used to track customers' outstanding balances and send electronic or printed statements to the customers, have been created.
Customer Classes (AR201000) form Make sure that the default customer class, which provides the default values for customer accounts and for other customer classes, has been created.
Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form Make sure that all necessary settings to use the accounts receivable functionality have been specified.
Table 2. Recommended ConfigurationThe settings listed in the following table can be specified to simplify the process of creating entities in the system.
Form Criteria to Check
General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form Make sure that the following settings have been specified:
  • The Automatically Post on Release check box is selected.
  • The Hold Batches on Entry check box is cleared.
Cash Management Preferences (CA102000) form Make sure that the following settings have been specified:
  • The Automatically Post to GL on Release check box is selected.
  • The Hold Transactions on Entry check box is cleared.
  • The Require Document Ref. Nbr. on Entry check box is cleared.
Accounts Payable Preferences (AP101000) form Make sure that the following settings have been specified:
  • The Automatically Post on Release check box is selected.
  • A vendor class, which will be used to provide default values for vendor accounts, is selected in the Default Vendor Class ID box.
  • The Hold Documents on Entry check box is cleared.
  • The Require Approval of Bills Prior to Payment check box is cleared.
  • The Validate Document Totals on Entry check box is cleared.
  • The Require Vendor Reference check box is cleared.
Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form Make sure that the following settings have been specified:
  • The Automatically Post on Release check box is selected.
  • A customer class, which will be used to provide default values for customer accounts, has been selected in the Default Customer Class ID box.
  • The Hold Documents on Entry check box is cleared.
  • The Validate Document Totals on Entry check box is cleared.
  • The Require Payment Reference on Entry check box is cleared.