Corporate Cards: Implementation Checklist

The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for creating corporate cards or card issuers.

Implementation Checklist

We recommend that before you configure a corporate credit card or a card issuer, you make sure the needed features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.

Form Criteria to Check
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form Make sure that the Expense Management feature is enabled.
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) Make sure that the liability GL account for the corporate card has been created.
Payment Methods (CA204000) Make sure that the necessary payment method for the corporate card have been created. Also, make sure that the following settings have been specified for the created payment methods:
  • Use in AP (Summary area): Selected
  • Not Required (Additional Processing section of the Settings for Use in AP tab): Selected
  • Require Unique Payment Ref. (Payment Settings section of the Settings for Use in AP tab): Cleared

For more information on payment methods, see Payment Methods for Vendors.

Entry Types (CA203000) Ensure that the entry types to be used for cash accounts have been created. For details, see Entry Types.
Cash Accounts (CA202000) Verify that the necessary cash accounts have been created with the following settings:
  • The Clearing Account check box is cleared.
  • The Restrict Visibility with Branch check box is cleared.
  • The Use for Corporate Cards check box is selected.
  • Optionally, the Requires Reconciliation check box is selected; if it is, a numbering sequence must be specified in the Reconciliation Numbering Sequence box.

For more information, see Cash Account Configuration.

Other Settings That Affect the Workflow

To change the format of corporate card identifiers, adjust the CORPCC numbering sequence on the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form or create a new auto-numbered sequence and select this sequence in the Corporate Card Numbering Sequence box on the General tab (Numbering Settings section) of the Cash Management Preferences (CA101000) form. For more information on numbering sequences, see Use of Numbering Sequences.

Validation of Configuration

To make sure that all configuration has been performed correctly, we recommend that in your system, you perform instructions similar to those described in Corporate Cards: To Configure a Vendor for a Corporate Card.