Dragging, Moving, and Deleting UI Controls and Grid Columns

This topic describes in detail how to change the placement of UI controls by dragging them and how to use the facilities of the Screen Editor to delete or move UI controls and grid columns.

Dragging and Dropping UI Controls

Before you start to manually move UI controls by dragging them in the Control Tree of the Screen Editor, note the following simple rules:
  • You can move a UI control anywhere within its container control.
  • To move a UI control within a container, you have to drag the element to the required place.
  • Any UI control moved within a form is automatically aligned according to the nearest PXLayoutRule component placed above it. (See Layout Rule (PXLayoutRule) for details.)

On the Stock Items (IN202500) form, suppose that you want to move up the Is a Kit check box, to make it the first control in the first column of the General tab area, as the screenshot below illustrates.

Figure 1. Viewing the form before dragging the UI control

To move the check box:

  1. Click the Customization menu on the form and choose the Inspect Element command.
  2. Click the Is a Kit check box.
  3. Click the Customize button on the Element Properties dialog box.

    The customization item is added to the current project if you have selected one by using the Customization > Select Project command, or you will be asked to select the customization project to add the item to it.

  4. In the Control Tree of the Screen Editor, drag the Is a Kit check box to the position above the Item Class control.
  5. Save the changes to the customization project, and publish the customization project.
    Figure 2. Moving the UI control to the required position

The check box appears at the new position (see the following screenshot).
Figure 3. Noticing the new placement of the check box

Moving and Deleting UI Controls and Grid Columns

You use the Screen Editor to implement advanced customization of a form—for instance, if you need to shift a column within a grid, to delete a UI control or table column from a form area, or to change the position of a UI control on a form while having the capability to change its original container.
After changing containers, you should perform functional changes concerning the code of appropriate main data access classes (DACs) or data views of business logic controllers (BLCs, also referred to as graphs). For details, see Customizing DAC Attributes.
Suppose that you have to customize the General and Warehouses tabs of the Stock Items (IN202500) form as follows:
  1. Delete the Auto-Incremental Value input control. (See the first screenshot below.)
  2. Move down the Tax Category control so that it is placed under the Lot/Serial Class control, as the first screenshot also illustrates.
    The Lot/Serial Class field is visible if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
  3. Move to the left the Status column of the details table so that it is placed at the right of the Default column, as shown in the second screenshot below
Figure 4. Viewing the General tab before changes

Figure 5. Viewing the details table of the Warehouses tab before changes

To open the Screen Editor, open the Stock Items (IN202500) form, click the Customization menu, choose the Inspect Element command, select the Auto-Incremental Value control on the form, and click the Customize button on the Element Properties dialog box.

The Control Tree of the editor displays content of the General tab item, to which the Auto-Incremental Value control belongs. This control is currently selected and highlighted in bold.
To view all controls and containers of the customized form on the tree, click the filter button of the tree toolbar.

To delete the selected control, select Remove > Remove of the tree toolbar.

Figure 6. Removing the selected UI control

Now you should move down the Tax Category UI control, to place it under the Lot/Serial Class control. Select the Tax Category UI control on the tree, drag it and drop to the required position, as the screenshot below illustrates.
Figure 7. Moving the control on the Control Tree

Thus, to change the placement of a UI control, you select it on the Control Tree of the Screen Editor, drag it and drop to place this control appropriately in relation to other UI controls.

Click Save on the toolbar of the Screen Editor to save changes to the current customization project.

To begin moving the Status column, you can:
  • Open the Stock Items (IN202500) form and use the Element Inspector for the Status column on the form
  • Open the Screen Editor for the form and find the column in the Control Tree

Drag and drop the Status control to the required position in the tree, as the screenshot below illustrates.

Figure 8. Moving the grid column to the left

Thus, to change the placement of a grid column, you find the column in the Control Tree of the Screen Editor and drag it to the desired position.

Click Save on the toolbar of the Screen Editor to save changes to the current customization project.

After you publish the project, you will see the modified General tab on the Stock Items (IN202500) form, as the following screenshot illustrates.
Figure 9. Viewing the modified General tab of the form

If you open the Warehouses tab of this form, you will see that the column of the details table has been moved to the left, as shown in the screenshot below.

Figure 10. Viewing the moved column on the Warehouses tab

If you need to analyze the added content (changeset) of the customization project, open the project in the Project Editor, choose the Edit Project Items command on the File menu item and select the Object Name field of the customized object (see the screenshot below).

Figure 11. Analyzing the added content of the customization project