BigCommerce Stores
Form ID: (BC201000)
You use this form to set up a connection to an online store created on the shopping cart software hosted by BigCommerce. After the connection has been established, on this form, you specify the store settings, select the entities that need to be synchronized, and define the default settings for the synchronization of customers and customer locations, inventory items, and orders. You also use this form to map shipping rules and payment methods between MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store.
During the initial specification of settings, the required settings on the Entity Settings, Customer Settings, Inventory Settings, Order Settings, and Payment Settings must be specified at the same time. You will not be able to save your changes until all required settings on these tabs of the form are filled in.
- This form is available only if the Retail Commerce and BigCommerce Connector features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
- The number of BigCommerce stores to which you can establish a connection on this form is limited by your license.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
Test Connection | By using the information specified on the Connection Settings tab, tests the ability to connect to the BigCommerce store via the API. It is also used to connect to the BigCommerce file storage via WebDAV, if the Product Image entity is activated on the Entity Settings tab. |
Summary Area
In this area, you specify the basic settings of a particular BigCommerce store, or select a store to view and edit its settings.
Element | Description |
Connector | A read-only box with the name of the e-commerce connector (BigCommerce) of a store configured on this form. |
Store Name | The name of the BigCommerce store to which the connection is being configured. The store name is specified when the connection is first configured; you cannot change it later. |
Active |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the store configuration is active and the entities activated and configured for this store are synchronized between MYOB Advanced and the store. For inactive stores, you can modify the store settings on the current form, but entities are not synchronized; you can see the history of the synchronization of entities on the Sync History (BC301000) form. |
Default | A check box that you select to indicate that this store is the default store in
MYOB Advanced. If multiple stores have been configured on this form and on the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form, if applicable, when you open other commerce-related forms, the store you have defined as the default is automatically inserted in the Store box. The system requires a store to be defined as the default store. When you are defining the first store in the system—on this form or on the Shopify Stores form—this check box is selected automatically. When you define another store, this check box is cleared by default; if you select this check box for the store being defined, the system clears this check box for the store that was previously defined as the default store. |
Connection Settings Tab
The connection settings tab includes the path and connection details that are used to connect MYOB Advanced to the BigCommerce store.
Element | Description |
Store Admin Path |
The administrator URL of the BigCommerce store—that is, the store's permanent URL followed by /manage. MYOB Advanced uses this path when a user navigates to BigCommerce pages from the Sync History (BC301000) and Process Data (BC501500) forms. |
Element | Description |
API Path | The URL of the BigCommerce API. |
Client ID | An ID that is provided by BigCommerce when a new store is set up on the BigCommerce platform. |
Access Token |
An access token provided by BigCommerce when a new store is set up on the BigCommerce platform. The access token should have the necessary access permissions in BigCommerce for synchronization to work properly. |
Element | Description |
WebDAV Path | The URL of the store used for file management. This path facilitates the exchange of data between MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store. Specifically, this path is the store's permanent URL followed by DAV. This URL is used by MYOB Advanced to upload files and images to the BigCommerce store. |
WebDAV Username | The email address of the registered owner of the BigCommerce store, which is used to connect to the BigCommerce store. |
WebDAV Password |
The password that is used to connect to the BigCommerce file storage. The WebDAV password is a string of random letters and numbers. You can find this password on the File Access page of the BigCommerce control panel. |
Element | Description |
Locale |
The locale of MYOB Advanced to be synchronized with the BigCommerce store. If multiple locales have been configured in MYOB Advanced and data is maintained in multiple languages, in this box, you select the locale that will be synchronized with the BigCommerce store. |
Element | Description |
Default Currency | The currency specified as the default in the control panel of the BigCommerce store. |
Supported Currencies | The list of all currencies that have been set up in the control panel of the BigCommerce store. |
Store Time Zone | The time zone of the BigCommerce store. |
Element | Description |
Administrator | The administrator of the BigCommerce store, which is the user who receives notifications about aborted synchronization that are triggered by predefined business events. For more information about predefined business events for aborted synchronization records, see Automated Synchronization: Business Events for Aborted Records. |
Element | Description |
Max. Number of Stores | The maximum number of BigCommerce stores that can be connected to the MYOB Advanced instance. |
Entity Settings Tab
The rows of this tab are automatically populated with the entities that can be synchronized between MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store. You can activate the entities that you need to synchronize between the systems; you can also view and specify synchronization settings for these entities.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the entity is synchronized
between MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store. Note: If an entity requires other entities to be synchronized when this
entity is synchronized, if you select this check box for the entity, the system
also selects the Active check box for these required
entities. |
Entity |
The entity that can be synchronized between MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store, which is one of the following:
You can click the link with each entity name to open the Entities (BC202000) form in a pop-up window and specify the mapping and filtering settings for the entity. |
Sync Direction |
The direction in which the entity should be synchronized. The direction can be one of the following:
The direction of the synchronization is predefined by the system and cannot be changed for the following entities:
Primary System |
The system that is used as the source of data during the synchronization of entities. If bidirectional synchronization is selected for the entity, the data of the primary system takes precedence if any conflicts arise during the synchronization. The primary system can be either of the following:
The primary system is determined based on the Sync Direction setting as follows:
Real-Time Import |
The status of the real-time import for the entity. The status can be one of the following options:
Real-Time Export |
The status of the real-time export for the entity. The status can be one of the following:
Real-Time Mode |
The mode of the processing of the synchronization records, which can be either of the following:
Max. Number of Failed Attempts |
The maximum number of errors allowed during the import or export of data before the synchronization record is skipped (that is, excluded from further synchronization). By default, the column contains 5: That is, the system allows 5 failed attempts before excluding the synchronization record from further processing. |
Customer Settings Tab
The settings that you specify on this tab are used to create customers and customer locations in MYOB Advanced when you import customers and customer addresses from the BigCommerce store.
Element | Description |
Customer Class | The customer class that is assigned to new customers imported to MYOB Advanced from the BigCommerce store and thus used to provide their default settings. |
Customer Numbering Template |
The template that is used to provide the identifiers of new customers imported to MYOB Advanced from the BigCommerce store. This character string, such as ____-____-######, initially shows the number and length of segments in the CUSTOMER segmented key, which is configured on the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form and defines the structure of the identifiers used for customers in MYOB Advanced. The groups of underscores represent the constant segments, and the number signs represent the auto-numbered segment. You replace the underscores with the values of the constant segments to be used in the identifiers of the customers imported from the BigCommerce store, as shown in the following example: ECUS-RET1-######. With this setting, the identifiers of all customers imported from BigCommerce to MYOB Advanced would start with ECUS-RET1, for easy identification, and the system would automatically assign the numerical part of the identifier according to the numbering sequence selected in the Customer Auto-Numbering box. These settings do not affect the assignment of identifiers to other customers in the system (those that already exist or those that are created directly in MYOB Advanced). This box is available for editing only if the CUSTOMER segmented key has more than one segment. If you will be importing customers from an online store, one of the segments of the CUSTOMER segmented key must be automatically numbered. |
Customer Auto-Numbering |
The numbering sequence that the system uses to automatically generate identifiers for customers imported from the BigCommerce store. If the CUSTOMER segmented key consists of more than one segment, the numbering sequence that you select in this box applies to the automatically numbered segment (a group of number signs in the Customer Numbering Template box). The length of the numbering sequence must match the length of the auto-numbered segment. Selecting a numbering sequence in this box does not change the Numbering ID setting of the CUSTOMER segmented key on the Segmented Keys form. The selected numbering sequence applies only to customers that are imported from the BigCommerce store and does not affect the assignment of identifiers to other customers in the system (those that already exist or those that are created directly in MYOB Advanced). |
Location Numbering Template |
The template that is used to provide the identifiers of new customer locations imported to MYOB Advanced from the BigCommerce store. This character string, such as ____-____-######, initially shows the number and length of segments in the LOCATION segmented key, which is configured on the Segmented Keys form and defines the structure of the identifiers used for customer locations in MYOB Advanced. The underscores represent the constant segments, and the number signs represent the automatically numbered segment. You replace the underscores with values of the constant segments to be used in the identifiers of the customer locations imported from the BigCommerce store, as shown in the following example: ECUS-RET1-######. With this setting, the identifiers of all customer locations imported from BigCommerce to MYOB Advanced would start with ECUS-RET1, for easy identification, and the system would automatically assign the numerical part of the identifier according to the numbering sequence selected in the Location Auto-Numbering box. These settings do not affect the assignment of identifiers to other customer locations in the system (those that already exist or those that are created directly in MYOB Advanced). This box is available for editing only if the LOCATION segmented key has more than one segment. If you will be importing customer locations from an online store, one of the segments of the LOCATION segmented key must be automatically numbered. |
Location Auto-Numbering |
The numbering sequence that the system uses to automatically generate identifiers for customer locations imported from the BigCommerce store. If the LOCATION segmented key consists of more than one segment, the numbering sequence that you select in this box applies to the automatically numbered segment (a group of number signs in the Location Numbering Template box). The length of the numbering sequence must match the length of the auto-numbered segment. Selecting a numbering sequence in this box does not change the Numbering ID setting of the LOCATION segmented key on the Segmented Keys form. The selected numbering sequence applies only to customer locations that are imported from the BigCommerce store and does not affect the assignment of identifiers to other customer locations in the system (those that already exist or those that are created directly in MYOB Advanced). |
Generic Guest Customer | The generic customer account that appears on imported sales orders that were placed in the BigCommerce store as guest orders. This customer account is not exported to the BigCommerce store during the synchronization of customers. |
Use Multiple Guest Accounts |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that multiple guest customer accounts should be created to record imported guest sales orders. When this check box is selected, this system limits the number of sales orders that can be created in MYOB Advanced for the customer account selected in the Generic Guest Customer box. When the maximum allowed number of sales orders is exceeded, the system creates a new customer and inserts its identifier in the Generic Guest Customer box. The settings of the new customer account are copied from the previous generic guest customer account, and its identifier is generated based on the numbering sequence specified in the Customer Auto-Numbering box. By default, the allowed number of sales orders per guest customer account is limited
to 10,000. You can override this number by changing the value of the
Inventory Settings Tab
This tab contains the default inventory settings that need to be set up in MYOB Advanced for exporting items to the BigCommerce store.
Element | Description |
Default Stock Categories |
The item sales categories that are assigned by default to exported stock items that do not have item sales categories assigned in MYOB Advanced. In the multiselect drop-down list, you select the check box of each item sales category to be assigned to these items, and the system displays the selected categories in the box, separated by commas. The categories available for selection are those that have been defined on the Item Sales Categories (IN204060) form. Sales categories are synchronized during the synchronization of the Sales Category entity. During the synchronization of stock items, sales categories are assigned to exported stock items only if the Sales Category entity is activated on the Entity Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form. |
Default Non-Stock Categories |
The item sales categories that are assigned by default to exported non-stock items that do not have item sales categories assigned in MYOB Advanced. In the multiselect drop-down list, you select the check box of each item sales category to be assigned to these items, and the system displays the selected categories in the box, separated by commas. The categories available for selection are those that have been defined on the Item Sales Categories form. Sales categories are synchronized during the synchronization of the Sales Category entity. During the synchronization of non-stock items, sales categories are assigned to exported non-stock items only if the Sales Category entity is activated on the Entity Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form. |
Related Items |
The types of related item information that can be exported to the BigCommerce store. In the multiselect drop-down list, you select the check box of each type of related items to be exported, and the system displays the selected related item types in the box, separated by commas. You can select any of the following types:
If an item is specified as a related item of any of the selected types, for any
of the following items, information about this item is exported to the BigCommerce store during the synchronization of the respective entity as follows:
Default Visibility | The default visibility that is assigned to stock and non-stock items exported
to the BigCommerce store. You can select one of the following options:
Default Availability | The default availability that is assigned to stock and non-stock items exported
to the BigCommerce store. You can select one of the following options:
The default availability can be overridden for each particular item on the eCommerce tab of Stock Items (IN202500), Non-Stock Items (IN202000), or Template Items (IN203000) form. |
When Qty. Unavailable | The action that the system must perform on an item when there is no stock left.
You can select one of the following options:
This box is available only if the Default Availability is set to Set as Available (Track Qty.). The setting is applied to products in BigCommerce during the synchronization of the Product Availability entity. |
Availability Mode |
The type of item quantity that is exported to the BigCommerce store during the synchronization of the Product Availability entity. You can select one of the following options:
For information about availability calculation in MYOB Advanced, see Availability Calculation Rules: General Information. |
Warehouse Mode |
An option that determines whether all warehouses or specific warehouses and locations are used for determining the available quantity of the item in the BigCommerce store. You can select one of the following options:
Column | Description |
Warehouse |
The identifier of the warehouse in MYOB Advanced whose item quantity should be used for calculating the item's available quantity in the BigCommerce store. You can select a warehouse from the list, which contains all active warehouses that have been created on the Warehouses (IN204000) form. |
Location ID |
The identifier of the warehouse location from MYOB Advanced that contains inventory items whose availability data should be exported to the BigCommerce store. If you specify a location, only this specific location of the selected warehouse is used. If no location is selected, the system exports the availability data for items stored in all locations of the selected warehouse. You can select a warehouse location from the list of locations that have been created on the Warehouses form for the warehouse selected in the Warehouse column. The list displays only the locations that are active and sales from which are allowed—that is, the locations for which the Active and Sales Allowed check boxes are selected on the Location tab of the Warehouses form. |
Order Settings Tab
On this tab, you define the default settings for the import of sales orders. You also map shipping zones and shipping rules between MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store, and specify if taxes should be synchronized between the two systems.
Element | Description |
Branch |
The branch that is inserted in the sales orders and payments imported to MYOB Advanced from the BigCommerce store. The base currency of the branch must match the default currency of the BigCommerce store, which is displayed in the Default Currency box of the Store Properties section on the Connection Settings tab. |
Element | Description |
Order Type for Import |
The order type in MYOB Advanced that is assigned to imported sales orders to indicate that the orders have originated in the BigCommerce store. |
Order Types for Export |
The types of orders in MYOB Advanced to be exported to the BigCommerce store. Orders of these types are exported to the BigCommerce store only if the synchronization direction of the Sales Order entity is set to Export or Bidirectional for that store on this form or on the Entities (BC202000) form. This box is available only if the Custom Order Types feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Return Order Type | The order type that the system will use as a source of default settings for
creating a return order when a refund is issued in the BigCommerce store. You can
select only an order type with the following settings on the
Template tab of the Order Types
(SO201000) form:
Refund Amount Item | The non-stock item that is used to represent a refund amount in an imported sales order. The non-stock item selected in this box is excluded from synchronization and is not exported when the Non-Stock Item entity is synchronized. The non-stock item representing refund amounts should be exempt from taxes (that is, on the General tab of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, in the Tax Category box, a category corresponding to tax-exempt items should be assigned). Also on this tab, the Require Receipt and Require Shipment check boxes must be cleared for the item. |
Refund Reason Code | The reason code that the system will insert in each return order line for a refund or return imported from the Shopify store. The reason code must have the Issue usage type specified on the Reason Codes (CS211000) form. |
Order Time Zone | The time zone the system will use for each sales order imported from the BigCommerce store when it is created in MYOB Advanced. The order time zone is needed to determine the correct date and time of the order if MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store are located in different time zones. |
Show Discounts As | The level on which discounts appear in each sales order imported from BigCommerce. You can select either of the following options:
Gift Certificate Item | The non-stock item in MYOB Advanced that is used to record the sale of gift certificates in the BigCommerce store. This item is excluded from synchronization (that is, it is not exported to the BigCommerce store during the synchronization of the Non-Stock Item entity). |
Gift Wrapping Item |
The non-stock item in MYOB Advanced that is used to represent gift wrapping in sales orders, shipments, and invoices. This item is excluded from synchronization (that is, it is not exported to the BigCommerce store during the synchronization of the Non-Stock Item entity). On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, this non-stock item has the Non-Stock Item or Service type (the Type box in the Item Defaults section of the General tab of the ) and the Active, No Purchases, or No Request status (Item Status box in the Summary area). |
Tag Ext. Order with ERP Order Nbr. | A check box that indicates (if selected) that after a sales order has been imported from the BigCommerce store and assigned an order number in MYOB Advanced, the assigned order number should be exported to the BigCommerce store and saved as a metafield of the sales order. |
Earliest Order Date | The earliest order creation date included in synchronization. Orders created in the BigCommerce store earlier than this date are not imported to MYOB Advanced even if synchronization is performed in Full preparation mode. |
Element | Description |
Tax Synchronization | A check box that indicates (if selected) that taxes should be synchronized between MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store during the export or import of sales orders. |
Default Tax Zone |
The identifier of the tax zone that is assigned by default to each sales order imported to MYOB Advanced from the BigCommerce store if no other tax zone has been identified during the import of the order. The box is available if the Tax Synchronization check box is selected. |
Use as Primary Tax Zone |
A check box that you select to indicate that the tax zone selected in Default Tax Zone should be assigned to each sales order imported to MYOB Advanced from the BigCommerce store, regardless of whether any other tax zone has been identified during the import of the order. This box is available if the Default Tax Zone is specified. |
Element | Description |
Tax List |
The substitution list to be used for mapping tax IDs between MYOB Advanced and the BigCommerce store. During the import of each sales order, if the system cannot find the tax ID specified in the order, it checks if there is a mapped tax ID in the substitution list specified in this box. Substitution lists are defined on the Substitution Lists (SM206026) form. |
Tax Category List |
The substitution list to be used for mapping tax categories MYOB Advanced with tax classes in the BigCommerce store. During the import of a sales order, if the system cannot find the tax category specified in the order, it checks if there is a mapped tax category in the substitution list specified in this box. Substitution lists are defined on the Substitution Lists form. |
Payment Settings Tab
On this tab, you map the payment methods configured in the BigCommerce store with the payment methods defined in MYOB Advanced. The Store Payment Method and Store Currency columns are initially populated based on the settings from the BigCommerce store when the correct API credentials are entered and saved on the Connection Settings tab. Whenever a new payment method is created in the BigCommerce store, a row is automatically added to this table with the Store Payment Method and Store Currency columns filled in. You can manually add rows to the table by clicking Add Row on the table toolbar and delete manually added rows from the table by clicking Delete Row on the table toolbar. If you delete a row that was automatically added to the table by the API, the deleted row will reappear when you click Refresh on the table toolbar or Save on the form toolbar.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Active |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that payment processing is enabled for the payment method. If this check box is cleared for a payment method, when an order is placed in the BigCommerce store and this payment method is selected at checkout, the corresponding payment is not imported from the BigCommerce store to MYOB Advanced. This check box is cleared by default. |
Store Payment Method |
The payment method defined in the BigCommerce store. This column is populated automatically. However, you can manually add additional mappings of payment options, if necessary. The system populates the table with the following store payment methods even if these store payment methods have not been configured in the BigCommerce store:
Store Currency |
The currency for which the store payment method has been defined in the BigCommerce store. You can select a currency from the list of active currencies defined on the Currencies (CM202000) form. This column is filled in automatically for store payment methods added to the table automatically by the API. |
ERP Payment Method |
The identifier of the payment method in MYOB Advanced. This payment method is used to create payment documents in MYOB Advanced for imported payments based on the store payment method. If you click this identifier, the system opens the payment method on the Payment Methods (CA204000) form. |
Cash Account |
The identifier of the cash account associated with the payment method in MYOB Advanced. You can select only cash accounts in the store currency. If you click this identifier, the system opens the cash account on the Cash Accounts (CA202000) form. |
Proc. Center ID |
The identifier of the processing center configured in MYOB Advanced for the card-based payment method selected in the ERP Payment Method column and the cash account selected in the Cash Account column. If you click this identifier, the system opens the processing center on the Processing Centers (CA205000) forms. This column is displayed if the Integrated Card Processing feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Release Payments |
A check box that you select to indicate that payments should be automatically released as soon as they are imported to MYOB Advanced. If this check box is selected for a card-based payment method associated with a credit card processing center in MYOB Advanced (that is, for the payment method for which a processing center is selected in the Proc. Center ID column), only payments that have been captured in the store will be automatically released on import. |
Process Refunds |
A check box that you select to indicate that refunds issued in the store for the store payment method should be imported to MYOB Advanced. This check box is selected and unavailable for a card-based store payment method (Authorize.Net) that is mapped to a payment method in MYOB Advanced for which a processing center has been configured on the Processing Centers (CA205000) form and specified in the Proc. Center ID column of this table. |
Create Payment from Order |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that if a payment is imported from the BigCommerce store without payment details, the system should create a payment in MYOB Advanced based on the information from the imported sales order. This check box is selected by default for the following store payment methods:
For card-based payment methods with integrated card processing (that is, for card-based payment methods for which a processing center has been configured and selected in the table), this check box is cleared and unavailable. This column is hidden by default. |
Store Order Payment Method |
The payment method that is specified in the store order. This column is hidden by default. |
Shipping Settings Tab
In this table, you define the mapping of each shipping option (which is a combination of a shipping zone and shipping method) defined in BigCommerce to the ship via code, and optionally, shipping zone and shipping terms defined in MYOB Advanced. The Store Shipping Zone and Store Shipping Method columns of the table are populated with the settings from BigCommerce when the correct API credentials are entered and saved on the Connection Settings tab. The list of mappings can be updated in the following ways:
- The system automatically adds the shipping options (store shipping zones and store shipping methods) to the table or removes them from the table based on the shipping options that are active in the BigCommerce store. You can make changes to the settings in the Ship Via, Shipping Zone, and Shipping Terms columns. However, you cannot remove the automatically added shipping options by using the Delete Row button on the table toolbar.
- You can manually add rows for active shipping options in the BigCommerce store by using the Add Row button on the table toolbar; you can also delete the manually added rows by using the Delete Row button on the table toolbar.
- The system automatically adds a shipping option to the table if during the sales order import, the shipping zone and the shipping method specified in a particular sales order is missing from the table.
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should use the mapped ship via, shipping zone, and shipping terms when importing orders from the BigCommerce store. |
Store Shipping Zone |
The shipping zone that has been set up in the BigCommerce store. |
Store Shipping Method |
The shipping method for the specified shipping zone that has been set up in the BigCommerce store. For each store shipping zone, one of the values in this column is always None even though this shipping method does not exist in the BigCommerce store. |
Ship Via | The Ship Via code in MYOB Advanced that is mapped to the combination of the store shipping zone and the store
shipping method. The value selected in this column is assigned to orders imported into MYOB Advanced and is displayed on the Shipping tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form for these orders. If you click code, the system opens the Ship via Codes (CS207500) form, on which you can review the Ship Via code's details. |
Shipping Zone |
The identifier of the shipping zone in MYOB Advanced, which is defined on the Shipping Zones (CS207510) form, that is mapped to the combination of the store shipping zone and the store shipping method. The value selected in this column is assigned to each sales order imported to MYOB Advanced with the store shipping zone and store shipping method specified in this row. This value is also inserted on the Shipping tab of the Sales Orders form for the sales order. This value is optional. If you leave it empty, the Shipping Zone box on the Shipping tab of the Sales Orders form will not be populated when a sales order with the store shipping zone and store shipping method specified in the row is imported. If you click this identifier, the system opens the shipping zone on the Shipping Zones (CS207510) form. |
Shipping Terms |
The identifier of the shipping terms in MYOB Advanced, which is defined on the Shipping Terms (CS208000) form, that is mapped to the combination of the store shipping zone and store shipping method. The value selected in this column is assigned to each sales order imported to MYOB Advanced with the store shipping zone and store shipping method specified in this row. This value is also inserted in the Shipping Terms box on the Shipping tab of the Sales Orders form for the sales order. This value is optional. If you leave it empty, the Shipping Terms box on the Shipping tab of the Sales Orders form will not be populated when a sales order with the store shipping zone and store shipping method specified in the row is imported. If you click this identifier, the system opens the shipping terms on the Shipping Terms (CS208000) form. |