Sync History
Form ID: (BC301000)
By using this form, you can view the status of all synchronization records related to a particular entity or quickly view particular groups of synchronization records related to the entity on separate tabs, based on what their status is or whether they are active synchronization records.
You can also use the form to manually synchronize individual synchronization records between MYOB Advanced and the external e-commerce system, delete synchronization records, and set the status of particular synchronization records to Skipped or Processed.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.
Command | Description |
Add New | Opens the Add or Edit Sync Status dialog box for adding a new synchronization record. |
Delete | Deletes the selected synchronization record or records from the table on the tab. You select a synchronization record by selecting the Included check box for it or by clicking its row before invoking this command. |
Edit |
Opens the Add or Edit Sync Status dialog box for editing the selected synchronization record. You select a synchronization record by selecting the Included check box for it or by clicking its row before invoking this command. Synchronization records can be edited for the following entities:
Prepare |
Starts the data preparation process in Incremental mode for the entity selected in the Entity box of the Summary area. This command is available only if an entity is selected in the Entity box. |
Set as Prepared |
Sets the status of the selected synchronization record or records (that is, all records for which you have selected the Included check box) to Prepared, updates the date and time of the last synchronization with the current date and time for these records, and sets the Last Operation value to Forced to Resync for these records. Synchronization records set as prepared are listed on the Prepared filter tab of this form. |
Set as Processed |
Sets the status of the selected synchronization record or records (that is, all records for which you have selected the Included check box) to Processed, updates the date and time of the last synchronization with the current date and time for these records, and sets the Last Operation value to Manually Synchronized for these records. Synchronization records set as processed are listed on the Processed filter tab of this form. |
Skip |
Sets the status of the selected synchronization record or records to Skipped, which excludes the synchronization record from further synchronization and removes it from the table. You select a synchronization record by selecting the Included check box for it. Skipped synchronization records are listed on the Skipped filter tab of this form. |
Sync |
Starts the data synchronization process for the selected synchronization record or records. You select a synchronization record by selecting the Included check box for it or by clicking its row before invoking this command. This button launches forced synchronization. That is, even if the synchronization record already has a status of Processed, the system synchronizes it again, with the data in the primary system (the system used as the source of data) taking precedence. |
View Details | Opens the Sync Record Details dialog box for the selected synchronization record. You select a synchronization record by selecting the Included check box for it or by clicking its row before invoking this command. |
Element | Description |
Connector | The e-commerce connector used for the synchronization of data between MYOB Advanced and the external e-commerce system. |
Store |
Required. The name of the e-commerce store with which data is synchronized. Only stores configured for the selected connector are displayed in the drop-down list. |
Entity | The entity for which data is synchronized. |
The identifier in MYOB Advanced of the record being synchronized. |
External ID |
The identifier in the external e-commerce system of the record being synchronized. |
Need to Sync | A check box that you select to indicate that the new or updated record must be synchronized. |
The dialog box also contains the following button. | |
OK | Creates or updates the synchronization record with the specified values and closes the dialog box. |
Column | Description |
Entity Type | The type of entity that was synchronized during the processing of the synchronization record. |
The identifier of the entity record in MYOB Advanced that was synchronized during the processing of the synchronization record. If you click the link in this column, the system opens the corresponding MYOB Advanced form in a pop-up window with the document or record selected. |
External ID |
The identifier of the entity record in the external system that was synchronized during the processing of the synchronization record. If you click the link in this column, the system opens the corresponding page of the e-commerce system in a new window and displays the details of the document or record. |
Selection Area
In this area, you select the criteria of the synchronization records to be displayed on the tabs of the form.
Element | Description |
Store |
The name of the e-commerce store for which you want to display synchronization records on the tabs. By default, the system inserts the store for which the Default check box is selected on the BigCommerce Stores(BC201000) or Shopify Stores (BC201010) form. |
Entity |
The entity for which you want to display synchronization records on the tabs. The drop-down list contains only the entities that have been activated for the selected store. If no option is selected in this box, the synchronization records of all entities are listed on the tabs. |
Filter Tabs
Below the Selection area is a series of filter tabs, each of which has a table that displays particular synchronization records:
- All Records: This tab displays all synchronization records for the selected store and entity.
- Ready to Process: This tab displays active synchronization records that have the Prepared status or the Failed status. The system attempts to synchronize records with either of these statuses when data processing is started for the corresponding entity.
- Failed: This tab displays active synchronization records that have the Failed status, which the system assigns if the system could not process a synchronization record but the number of synchronization attempts is below the allowed maximum specified for the entity to which the synchronization record belongs. The system attempts to process synchronization records with this status when data processing is started for the corresponding entity.
- Processed: This tab displays active synchronization records that have the Processed status—that is, active synchronization records that have been successfully processed by the system.
- Skipped: This tab displays the active synchronization records that have the Skipped status—that is, the active synchronization records that have been manually excluded from the synchronization by users.
- Aborted: This tab displays active synchronization records with the Aborted status—that is, active synchronization records that have been excluded from the synchronization by the system. The system assigns the Aborted status to a synchronization record if it fails to process it for more than the maximum number of failed attempts allowed for the synchronization of the entity to which the synchronization record belongs.
- Deleted: This tab displays active synchronization records that have the Deleted status, which is assigned to a synchronization record if the record data it contains has been prepared (that is, pulled from MYOB Advanced and the external e-commerce system) and then deleted in the primary system of the entity.
- Filtered: This tab displays active synchronization records that have the Filtered status. The system assigns this status to a synchronization record if it has been prepared and then filtered out during the synchronization because filtering conditions defined for the entity on the Entities (BC202000) form have been applied.
- Invalid: This tab displays active synchronization records that the system has assigned the Invalid status—that is, synchronization records generated for document or entity records that cannot be synchronized, for example, if they have been used in the store settings. For instance, a customer record that has been selected as the Generic Guest Customer is not synchronized during the synchronization of the Customer entity.
- Inactive: This tab displays synchronization records for entities that have been deactivated (that is, the Active check box is cleared) on the Entity Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) and Shopify Stores (BC201010) forms. Inactive synchronization records have the Active check box cleared in the table.
Column | Description |
Included |
An unlabeled check box that you select to indicate that this synchronization record should be processed when you click an available button on the form toolbar or click an available command on the More menu. The possible commands that can be clicked for are Sync, Delete, Skip, Set as Processed Edit, and View Details. This check box is available for selection only if the entity and the store the synchronization record was generated for are activated in the store settings—that is, if the Active check box is selected for the store in the Summary area of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) or Shopify Stores (BC201010) form and the Active check box is selected for the entity on the Entity Settings tab of these forms. |
Entity | The entity for which the synchronization record was generated. |
Store | The online store with which the entity is synchronized. |
The ID of the document or entity record in MYOB Advanced. If you click the link in this column, the system opens the corresponding MYOB Advanced form in a pop-up window with the document or record selected. |
External ID |
The ID of the document or entity record in the external e-commerce system. If you click the link in this column, the system opens the corresponding page of the e-commerce system in a new window and displays the details of the document or record. The value in this column may be simple or combined. A combined external ID includes two identifiers separated by a comma. For example, if the record represents a sales order that has been paid, this column would contain the order number and the payment number, separated by a comma. |
External Description | The description of the document or entity record in the external e-commerce system. The value in this column depends on the entity type of the synchronization record. |
Status |
The status of the synchronization record. The statuses for which active synchronization records are shown on a particular tab are generally indicated by the tab name. A synchronization record can have any of the following statuses:, which can be any of the following:
Last Error | The error, if any, that occurred during the last attempt to process the synchronization record. |
Last Operation | The operation that was last performed on the document or entity record, which
is one of the following options:
Last Attempt | The date and time when the last attempt to run the data synchronization process occurred. |
Attempt Count | The total number of attempts to process the synchronization record if the attempt resulted in an error; otherwise, the column contains 0. |
Active | A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the entity to which the synchronization record belongs is activated in the store settings on the Entity Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) or Shopify Stores (BC201010) form. |
External Hash | The security value generated during the export or import operation if the document or entity record does not have a timestamp. |
Ready to Process | A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the synchronization record needs to be processed. |
Connector |
The e-commerce connector used for synchronization. This column is hidden by default. |
Last Externally Modified |
The date and time when the document or entity record was last modified in the external e-commerce system. This column is hidden by default. |
Last Locally Modified |
The date and time when the document or entity record was last modified in MYOB Advanced. This column is hidden by default. |
Primary System |
The system that is used as the source of data during the synchronization of entities. The primary system can be either of the following:
If an entity is synchronized in both directions (Bidirectional is specified in the Sync Direction column), the data of the primary system takes precedence if any conflicts arise during the synchronization. This column is hidden by default. |
Sync Direction | The direction of the synchronization. One of the following options may be
This column is hidden by default. |
Sync Record ID |
The identifier of the synchronization record. This column is hidden by default. |