Order Types
Form ID: (SO201000)
You can use this form to view the settings of the available order types. MYOB Advanced provides predefined order types to cover the most common order types, and the settings of any type can be changed to meet your company's needs. For descriptions of the predefined order types, see Sales Order Types: General Information.
Each order type is based on templates, which are groups of settings that determine the behavior and workflow of orders of the type. To create a new order type, you select a template and make changes only in the Order Settings, Posting Settings, and Accounts Receivable Settings sections on the General tab. We do not recommend that you make changes to any available template on the Template tab, because changing the template would require in-depth knowledge of the built-in automation behaviors associated with order types. For details about creating custom order types, see Custom Sales Order Types.
On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, users can create orders of all active types: the types predefined in MYOB Advanced, and any custom order types (if this feature is enabled in your system).
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
This area provides summary information about the order type. In this area, you can select an available order type and view and edit its settings, or you can create a new order type and specify its general settings if the Custom Order Types feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Element | Description |
Order Type | The identifier of the order type, which is a two-character alphanumeric string. MYOB Advanced provides the following predefined order types:
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the order type is active, which means that users can create documents of the type. |
Description | The brief description of the order type. |
Order Template | The order template that the order type is based on. The following templates are
This box is not available for editing if the CM , CS, IN, MO, QT, RM, SA, SO, or TR type is selected in the Order Type box. |
General Tab
The General tab contains settings that hold details about the order type.
Element | Description |
Order Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence to be used to automatically generate reference numbers for documents of this type. |
Days To Keep | The number of days documents of the type should be kept in the system before they are removed as obsolete. |
Hold Orders on Entry | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should save documents of the type with the On Hold status by default. |
Hold Document on Failed Credit Check | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will change the status of the order to Credit Hold if the customer fails the credit check. The credit check is performed each time the order is saved. |
Require Control Total | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the user must type the control total when creating or modifying a document of the type on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. |
Bill Separately | A check box that indicates (if selected) that each order of this type should be billed (invoiced) separately from other orders of the same type. |
Ship Separately | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the goods for each
order of this type should be shipped separately from goods for other
orders of the same type. Note: Orders of the type for which the
Ship Separately check box is selected
can still be consolidated to a single shipment if you manually
add them by clicking Add Order on the
table toolbar of the Details tab of the
Shipments (SO302000)
form. This check box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Ship in Full If Negative Stock Is Allowed |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will create a shipment that includes stock items for which a negative quantity is allowed for the entire line quantity, regardless of whether this quantity is in stock. A negative quantity is allowed for an item if it belongs to an item class that has the Allow Negative Quantity check box selected on the Item Classes (IN201000) form. This setting is applicable to sales order lines with stock items that are not serialized and to sales order lines with serialized items that have the When Used assignment method. |
Calculate Freight |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the freight for each order of this type should be calculated. |
Disable Automatic Discount Update |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system treats already-applied discounts to an order of the type as manual. When a user runs discount recalculation or adds new lines to the order on the Sales Orders form, the system preserves the set of applied discounts; it checks whether these discounts are still applicable for the order, but does not apply any other new discounts to the order. If a user manually changes any of the discountable amounts or quantities in the order, the system recalculates the fixed set of applied discounts based on these changes. If the check box is cleared for the order type, the system refreshes all automatic line, group, and document discounts. The check box is cleared by default for all order types. |
Recalculate Discount on Partial Shipment |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that if an order of the type is shipped partially, the system should recalculate the discount for each shipment based on each shipment amount or shipment quantity. Note: Recalculation does not involve discounts that consist of free
This element is available only if the Customer Discounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Disable Automatic Tax Calculation |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will select the Disable Automatic Tax Calculation check box by default on the Financial tab (Financial Information section) of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form for new sales orders of the current type. The check box can be selected for the order types that will be used for orders imported from e-сommerce stores, or for orders in which taxes will be specified manually. This check box does not appear for order types with the Transfer Order and Blanket Order options specified in the Automation Behavior box on the Template tab of the current form. |
Allow Refund Before Return |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that a refund can be created on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form for a sales return that has the Open status and an order type with the following settings on Template tab of the current form:
Require Customer Order Nbr. | A check box that indicates (if selected) that users must fill in
the Customer Order Nbr. box on the Sales Orders form when they are
entering new orders of this type. In this case, the system generates
an error if the Customer Order Nbr. box is
not filled in and validates the entered number for uniqueness, based
on the option selected in the Customer Order Nbr.
Validation box of the current form. If this check
box is cleared, the system does not ensure that the customer order
number is specified and does not validate customer order numbers
when the order of the type is saved. This check box is not available if TR is selected in the Order Type box in the Summary area of the current form, because for orders of this type, the Customer Order Nbr. box does not appear on the Sales Orders form. |
Customer Order Nbr. Validation | The way the system validates the customer order number that the
user enters on the Sales Orders
form in a sales order of this type. You can select one of the
following values:
If the Require Customer Order Nbr. check box is cleared, the system selects Allow Duplicates in the box and makes it unavailable for edits. |
Element | Description |
Copy Notes |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when an order of this type is copied to an order of another type, the system should also copy any notes for the order. |
Copy Attachments |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when an order of this type is copied to an order of another type, the system should also copy any attachments to the order. |
Copy Header Notes to Shipment |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a shipment is created for a sales order, the system should copy the note attached to the sales order record to the shipment record. This note is attached to the record as a whole. This check does not appear for the order types that have Blanket Order, Quote, Invoice, Mixed Order, or Credit Memo automation behavior. |
Copy Header Attachments to Shipment |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a shipment is created for a sales order, the system should copy any files attached to the sales order record to the shipment record. These files are attached to the record as a whole. This check does not appear for the order types that have Blanket Order, Quote, Invoice, Mixed Order, or Credit Memo automation behavior. |
Copy Header Notes to Invoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when an invoice is created for a sales order, the system should copy the note attached to the sales order record to the invoice record. This note is attached to the record as a whole. This check does not appear for the order types that have Blanket Order or Quote automation behavior. This check box is unavailable if the order type has the No Update option in the AR Document Type box (Template tab) of this form. |
Copy Header Attachments to Invoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when an invoice is created for a sales order, the system should copy any files attached to the sales order record to the invoice record. These files are attached to the record as a whole. This check does not appear for the order types that have Blanket Order or Quote automation behavior. This check box is unavailable if the order type has the No Update option in the AR Document Type box (Template tab) of this form. |
Copy Line Notes To Shipment |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a shipment is created for a line of an order of this type, the system should copy any line notes to the shipment as shipment line notes. This check box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Copy Line Attachments to Shipment |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a shipment is created for a line of an order of this type, the system should copy any line attachments to the shipment as shipment line attachments. This check box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Copy Line Notes to Invoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a user creates an invoice for a line of an order of this type, the system should copy line notes to the invoice as invoice line notes. |
Only Non-Stock |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system copies line notes for only non-stock line items. This element is available only if the Copy Line Notes To Invoice option is selected. This check box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Copy Line Attachments to Invoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a user creates an invoice for a line of an order of this type, the system copies any attachments to the invoice as invoice line attachments. |
Only Non-Stock |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system must copy line attachments for only non-stock line items. This element is available only if the Copy Line Attachments To Invoice option is selected. This check box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Copy Line Notes to Child Order |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a child order is created for a line split of an order of this type, the system should copy any line notes to the child order as child order line notes. This check box appears only for order types with the Blanket Order automation behavior. |
Copy Line Attachments to Child Order |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when a child order is created for a line split of an order of this type, the system should copy any line attachments to the child order as child order line attachments. This check box appears only for order types with the Blanket Order automation behavior. |
Element | Description |
Invoice Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence to be used for generating the reference numbers for Accounts Receivable documents (invoices and credit memos) created when shipments for the order are confirmed. |
Mark as Printed | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the documents of this type will be marked as printed before release. |
Mark as Emailed | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the documents of this type will be marked as emailed before release. |
Hold Invoices on Entry | A check box that indicates (if selected) that new invoices should be saved with the On Hold status by default. |
Use Currency Rate from Sales Order | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system copies
the currency rate from a sales order of this type to the invoice
that is created for this sales order. If you mass-create invoices
for sales orders of this type by using the Prepare Invoice
action on the Process Orders (SO501000) form, the
system consolidates the invoices based on the currency, rate type,
and particular currency rate copied from the sales order. If the check box is cleared, in invoices prepared for sales orders of this type, the system inserts the effective currency rate of the rate type that is specified in the sales order. If you mass-create invoices for sales orders of this type by using the Prepare Invoice action on the Process Orders form, the system consolidates the invoices based on the currency and rate type. This check box appears only if the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Element | Description |
Use Sales Account from | The sales account to be used for the document of this type. You
can select one of the following options:
Combine Sales Sub. from |
The rule of composing a sales subaccount from other subaccounts associated with the document (those defined for the inventory item, posting class, warehouse, customer location, salesperson, and employee). To set up the rule, select a segment, press F3, and select the source of the segment value, which is one of the following options:
For a segment, the selected option is designated by the specific letter repeated for each character in the segment. For details, see Combined Subaccounts: General Information. |
Freight Account |
The default account of the Income type to record freight to be charged for orders of the type. This account is used as one of the sources for the Use Freight Account from rule and as the freight account when the account defined by the rule is unavailable. For more information, see Freight Calculation. |
Use Freight Account from |
The freight account to be used for orders of this type. You can select one of the following options:
Freight Sub. | The default subaccount to record the freight for orders of this type. This subaccount is a source of segment values for the segments with the T option for the freight subaccount generated according to the Combine Freight Sub. from rule; it is also a source of segment values when other sources are unavailable. |
Combine Freight Sub. from |
The rule of composing a freight sales subaccount from other subaccounts associated with the document. To set up the rule, select a segment, press F3, and select the source of the segment value, which is one of the following options:
Discount Account | The default account to record discounts for orders of the type. This account is used as one of the sources for the Use Discount Account from rule; it is also used if the account defined by the rule is unavailable. |
Use Discount Account from | The discount account to be used for a document of this type. You
can select one of the following options:
Discount Sub. | (Required.) The default subaccount to record discounts on orders of the type. This subaccount is a source of segment values for the segments with the T option for the discount subaccount generated according to the Combine Discount Sub. from rule; the subaccount is also a source of segment values in case when other sources are unavailable. |
Combine Discount Sub. from | The rule of composing a discount subaccount from other
subaccounts associated with the document (those defined for the
order type and customer location). To set up the rule, select a
segment, press F3, and select the source of the segment value, which
is one of the following options:
This element is available only if the Customer Discounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Post Line Discounts Separately | A check box that (if selected) indicates that on release of
invoices generated for orders of this type, the GL batches will
include the following additional journal entries (with the discount
amounts) for the line discounts:
If this check box is cleared, line discount are not posted to GL. This element is available only if the Customer Discounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Use Discount Sub. from Sales Sub. |
A check box that (if selected) indicates that discounts will be posted with sales subaccounts. This check box is available only if the Customer Discounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and only if the Post Line Discounts Separately check box is selected. |
Auto Write-Off | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will automatically adjust the discrepancy between the invoice amount and the payment amount (if it occurs for the invoice that was prepared for the order of this type with applied payment or prepayment and does not exceed the customer write-off limit) by creating a balance or credit write-off. |
Use Shipped-Not-Invoiced Account |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the shipped-not-invoiced account (and subaccount, if applicable) should be used for cost transactions (instead of the COGS accounts) to delay posting to COGS accounts. You can select this option if your organization processes customer invoices for shipments later than inventory issues. Then when issues are released, the costs will be temporarily recorded (as debit amounts) to the shipped-not-invoiced account (and subaccount), and on release of invoices, the costs will be moved from the shipped-not-invoiced account to the COGS (expense) account. For more details, see Shipment Processing Steps. |
Shipped-Not-Invoiced Account |
The expense account to be used as the shipped-not-invoiced account if the Use Shipped-Not-Invoiced Account check box is selected. The account selected in this box should be configured as a control account for the sales orders subledger. That is, for this account, SO should be selected in the Control Account Module column on the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form. For more information on control accounts, see Control Accounts: General Information |
Shipped-Not-Invoiced Sub. |
The subaccount to be used as the shipped-not-invoiced subaccount if the Use Shipped-Not-Invoiced Account check box is selected. This box is available only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Element | Description |
Use Sales Account From |
The source of the account used to record an intercompany sales
transaction. The following options can be selected:
Use COGS Account From | The source of the account used to record the intercompany
inventory transactions. The following options can be selected:
Element | Description |
Validate Card Refunds Against Original Transactions |
A check box that indicates that only the transaction of the credit card payment applied to the invoice with the returned items can be specified as the original transaction in a refund with the credit card payment method. If the check box is cleared, a transaction from any card payment made by the customer can be specified as the original transaction in a refund with the credit card payment method. |
Element | Description |
Enable Field Services Integration |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that sales orders of this type are integrated with forms related to field services. That is, users are able to generate sales orders from service orders, appointments, and service contracts and to create service orders from sales orders. |
Element | Description |
Default Child Order Type |
The type of sales orders that the system generates when you create child orders for a blanket sales order. Only order types with the Sales Order automation behavior can be selected in this box. |
Use Currency Rate From Blanket Order |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system copies the currency rate from a blanket sales order to the child order that is created for this blanket sales order. If a user changes the date of a child order, the system changes the currency rate of this child order to the effective currency rate for the selected date. This check box appears only for the order types with the Blanket Order automation behavior if the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Element | Description |
Allow Production Orders - Approved |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system can create production orders for approved sales orders of the type. |
Allow Production Orders - Hold |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system can create production orders for sales orders with the On Hold status that are assigned to the type. |
Allow Estimating |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that users can enter estimate data in sales orders of the type. When the check box is selected, the Estimating tab is displayed on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. We recommend that you select this check box only if the order type has a template with the Quote automation behavior. This box is displayed only if the Estimating feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Allow Configuration Entry |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that users can enter configuration data in sales orders of the type. When the check box is selected and the stock item in the sales order line has an active configuration for the warehouse specified in the line, the Configure button is available on the Details tab of the Sales Orders form. This box is displayed only if the Product Configurator feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Enable Warehouse On Line With Linked Production |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the Warehouse box in the sales order lines is available for editing, and users can change it even if a production order was created for the sales order of the order type. If a user changes the warehouse for a sales order line, the warehouse in the related production order is not changed. (This is to accommodate instances where the location to ship from needs to be changed or production was done in another warehouse.) |
MTO Order |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system selects the check box in the Mark for Production column on the Sales Orders form for a line with a stock item that has the Make to Order Item check box selected on the Stock Items (IN202500) form. |
Template Tab
This tab holds settings that control the processing of orders of the type, including what related documents the order generates, whether it requires shipment.
The tab includes the tab elements and the Operations table.
Element | Description |
Automation Behavior | The type of automation behavior used for the template, which can be Sales Order, Invoice, Quote, Credit Memo, Mixed Order, Transfer Order, or RMA Order. An automation behavior is a set of automation steps. For information, see Workflow Customization by Means of Automation Steps. |
Default Operation | The default inventory operation for the order type, which can be Receipt or Issue. |
AR Document Type | The type of accounts receivable document to be generated for a sales order. Possible settings are Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Cash Sale, Cash Return, Invoice/Credit Memo, Cash Sale/Cash Return, and No Update (which means no AR documents will be created). |
Process Shipments |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that shipments should be processed for this order type. This check box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Require Lot/Serial Entry |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that lot or serial information for items is required for documents of this type. Items with specific lot or serial numbers are always allocated. This check box can be selected for only order types for which the Process Shipments check box is selected. This check box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Require Stock Allocation |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that orders of this type
require allocation (reservation) of stock when they are taken
off hold. For orders of this type with the Require
Lot/Serial Entry check box cleared, the items
should be allocated even if particular lot or serial numbers are
not specified on orders.
Note: If this check box is selected,
you have to manually reallocate items after replanning a
back order of this order type before further processing the
order. For more information, see Back Ordering and Replanning Back Orders. This check box appears only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Allow Quick Process |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that a user can launch quick processing for the orders of this order type. If this check box is selected for the order type, the Quick Processing tab appears on this form. This check box appears for all predefined and custom types except those that have the Automation Behavior set to Quote or RMA Order on the Template tab. |
Column | Description |
Operation | The inventory operation to be generated for the order of the type. |
Inventory Transaction Type | The type of inventory issue transaction generated for a document
of this type, which can be one of the following options:
You can see issue transactions on the Issues (IN302000) form. |
Order Plan Type | The type of built-in order plan to be used for the documents of the type. |
Shipment Plan Type | The type of built-in shipment plan to be used for the documents of the type. |
Require Reason Code |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that a reason code is required for orders of the type. This check box is available for the Sales Order, Mixed Order, Transfer Order, and RMA Order automation behaviors. |
Quick Processing Tab
You use this tab to configure how the system should quickly process the orders of this type. The tab appears if the Allow Quick Process check box is selected on the Template tab.
Column | Description |
Open All Created Documents in New Tabs | A check box that indicates (if selected) that after quick processing an order, the system opens all generated documents in new tabs. |
Download All Created Print Forms |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that printable forms generated during quick processing of an order will be downloaded automatically when the user navigates to the related browser tab. This check box is available for selection only if the Open All Created Documents in New Tabs check box is selected. |
Column | Description |
Create Shipment | A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system creates a shipment for the order. |
Print Pick List | A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system creates and prints a pick list for the order. |
Confirm Shipment | A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system confirms the shipment generated for the order. |
Print Labels |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system prints labels for the packages included in the generated shipment. This check box is available for selection only if the Confirm Shipment check box is selected. |
Print Shipment Confirmation |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system prints a shipment confirmation for the shipment generated for the order. This check box is available for selection only if the Confirm Shipment check box is selected. |
Update IN |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system generates the inventory documents for confirmed shipments. This check box is available for selection only if the Confirm Shipment check box is selected. |
Column | Description |
Prepare Invoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system generates an invoice for the order. If the order type requires shipping, this check box is available for selection only if the Confirm Shipment check box is selected. |
Print Invoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system prints the invoice generated for the order. This check box is available for selection only if the Prepare Invoice check box is selected. |
Email Invoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system emails the generated invoice to customer. This check box is available for selection only if the Prepare Invoice check box is selected. |
Release Invoice |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system releases the generated invoice. This check box is available for selection only if the Prepare Invoice check box is selected. |
Column | Description |
Print with DeviceHub | A check box that indicates (if selected) that when quick processing is run for an order of this type, the system generates the preview and prints all selected documents using the DeviceHub tool application. |
Define Printer Manually | A check box that indicates that you want to specify the printer to be used for printing documents when quick processing is run for an order of this type. If the check box is cleared, the printer is automatically defined by the system. |
Printer | The identifier of the printer to be used for printing documents when quick processing is run for an order of this type. |