Payment Methods
Form ID: (CA204000)
You can use this form to define and view payment methods and their details. You can define payment methods for incoming payments processed in accounts receivable (that is, payments from customers to your organization), as well as for outgoing payments processed in accounts payable (that is, payments from your organization to its vendors).
Payment methods are linked to cash accounts, and you can select one cash account in each branch as the default one for the payment method used in accounts payable and in accounts receivable. For some payment methods, you can set up input validation and modify the names of predefined elements as you want them to appear on the interface. These elements will appear when users enter information about a specific payment method used by a particular customer.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
You use the elements in this area, described in the following table, to define a new payment method that uses a specific means of payment. You can also select an existing method by its identifier and view its details.
Element | Description |
Payment Method ID | The unique identifier of the payment method. An alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters can be used. |
Active |
A check box that indicates whether the payment method is active in the system. If you clear this check box for a payment method, the system will stop using this payment methods in new payments, but you can still release payments with the Balanced or Printed statuses that use the inactive payment method. For details, see Cash Management: To Deactivate a Payment Method. |
Means of Payment |
One of the system's built-in payment templates. The following options are available: Credit Card, Cash/Check, and Direct Deposit. For the Credit Card template, you can use predefined elements for the method definition. These elements hold the card number, the name on the card, the expiration date, and the card security code. If you select Credit Card, the Integrated Processing check box on the Settings for Use in AR tab is selected by default. If you select Direct Deposit and at least one file format for direct deposits has been configured in the system, the Direct Deposit File Format box appears in the Summary area. |
Direct Deposit File Format |
The file format that the system will use for direct deposits. If the UK Localization feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the following options are available in the list:
Description | A description of the payment method. Use an alphanumeric string of up to 30 characters. |
Use in AP |
A check box that indicates whether the payment method is to be used in accounts payable. If you select this check box, the Settings for Use in AP tab appears on this form. |
Use in AR |
A check box that indicates whether this payment method is to be used in accounts receivable. If you select this check box, the Settings for Use in AR tab appears on this form. |
Use in Payroll | Any payment method with this check box ticked can be used in the
Payroll module. Note: Payment methods used by Payroll should also
have the Use in AP check box ticked, as the AP settings
are also used by the Payroll module. If you select this check box, the Settings for Use in Payroll tab appears on this form. |
Use in PR |
A check box that indicates whether this payment method is to be used in payroll. If you select this check box, the Settings for Use in PR tab appears on this form. |
Set Payment Date to Bank Transaction Date |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form, when a bank transaction is matched to an unreleased payment document that is based on the payment method, and then the bank transaction is processed, the system updates the date of the payment document to match the date of the bank transaction. If this check box is cleared, the system does not automatically update the payment date of an unreleased payment document to match the bank transaction date. This check box should be cleared if the Integrated Processing check box is selected on the Settings for Use in AR tab. |
Require Remittance Information for Cash Account | A check box that indicates to the system whether the cash account requires remittance information for the payment method. |
Allowed Cash Accounts Tab
You use this tab to define and view the list of cash accounts linked to the payment method. The list may include regular cash accounts as well as clearing accounts. For a particular payment made by the payment method, if one of the allowed clearing accounts is selected, the payment can be included in a deposit intended for a bank account associated with the clearing account.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Cash Account | The cash account linked to the payment method. |
Description | The description of the cash account. |
Branch | The branch to which the cash account belongs. |
Use in AP |
A check box that indicates whether the cash account is used in accounts payable (that is, whether it is used for vendor payments) for this payment method. This column appears if in the Summary area of the form, the Use in AP check box is selected. |
Use in PR |
A check box that indicates whether the cash account is used in payroll for this payment method. This column appears if in the Summary area of the form, the Use in PR check box is selected. |
AP Default |
A check box that indicates whether this is the default cash account for this method when it is used in accounts payable. If there are multiple branches, one default account can be defined for each branch for this payment method. This column appears if in the Summary area of the form, the Use in AP check box is selected, and if the Payroll feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
AP/PR Default |
A check box that indicates whether this is the default cash account for this method when it is used in accounts payable or payroll (or in both functional areas). If there are multiple branches, one default account can be defined for each branch for this payment method. This column appears if the Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and if in the Summary area of the current form, the Use in AP or Use in PR check box is selected (or both check boxes are selected). |
AP - Suggest Next Number |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system automatically generates the next number (as the last number incremented by 1) in the Payment Ref. box on the Checks and Payments (AP302000) form when a user creates a new payment of this payment method by using this cash account. If this check box is not selected, the user can enter the next reference number manually; the system will not allow the user to save the payment if the entered reference number has been used before. This column appears if in the Summary area of the form, the Use in AP check box is selected, and if the Payroll feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
AP/PR - Suggest Next Number |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system automatically generates the next number (as the last number incremented by 1) in the Payment Ref. box on the Checks and Payments (AP302000) form when a user creates a new payment of this payment method by using this cash account and in the Check Nbr. column in the Export Details dialog box on the Payment Batches (PR305000) form when a user exports a payment batch to an ACH file. If this check box is not selected, the user can enter the next reference number manually; the system will not allow the user to save the payment if the entered reference number has been used before. This column appears if the Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and if in the Summary area of the current form, the Use in AP or Use in PR check box is selected (or both check boxes are selected). |
AP Last Reference Number |
The number used for the last payment associated with this cash account in accounts payable. Initially, this number incremented by 1 will be used for the first payment associated with this cash account if the AP - Suggest Next Number check box is selected. This column appears if in the Summary area of the form, the Use in AP check box is selected, and if the Payroll feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
AP/PR Last Reference Number |
The number used for the last payment associated with this cash account in accounts payable or payroll. Initially, this number incremented by 1 will be used for the first payment associated with this cash account if the AP/PR - Suggest Next Number check box is selected. This column appears if the Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and if in the Summary area of the current form, the Use in AP or Use in PR check box is selected (or both check boxes are selected). |
Batch Last Reference Number | The number used for the last batch of payments generated for this method in accounts payable. Initially, this number incremented by 1 will be used for the first batch generated for a payment made by this method in accounts payable. This value is used only for batch payments in accounts payable. |
Quick Batch Generation |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that a batch of payments can be generated quickly on the Prepare Payments (AP503000) form. On this form, the system will generate payments, combine them into a payment batch, and open the batch on the Batch Payments (AP305000) form for further processing. This column appears on the tab if the Create Batch Payments option button is selected on the Settings for Use in AP tab of the same form. If you add a new cash account to a payment method for which the Create Batch Payments option button is selected, this check box will be selected by default for the added cash account. If you select this check box for a cash account, the Quick Batch Generation option button will be available and selected by default on the Prepare Payments form. If this check box is selected for a cash account, the system verifies that the AP/PR - Suggest Next Number check box is selected and that a number is specified in the AP/PR Last Reference Number column. |
Use in AR |
A check box that indicates whether the cash account will be used with the selected payment method in accounts receivable for payments from customers. This column appears if in the Summary area of the form, the Use in AR check box is selected. |
AR Default | A check box indicating whether this is the default cash account for this method when it is used in accounts receivable. If there are multiple branches, one default account can be defined per branch for this method. |
AR Default for Refund | A check box that you select to use this cash account as the default one for customer returns made for this payment method in the branch associated with the payment method. |
AR - Suggest Next Number |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system automatically assigns the next number (as the last number incremented by 1) in the Payment Ref. box on the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form when a user enters a new payment of this payment method using this cash account. If this check box is cleared, the user can enter the next reference number manually; the system will not allow the user to save the payment if the entered reference number has been used before. |
AR Last Reference Number | The number used for the last payment associated with this cash account in accounts receivable. Initially, this number incremented by 1 will be used for the first payment made by the method associated with this cash account if the AR - Suggest Next Number check box is selected. |
Settings for Use in AR Tab
For the payment method, you can select processing options in the upper area of this tab. The selected Means of Payment template determines the specific elements that will hold the details of the method. You can edit these element names and set input validation masks, regular expressions, or both. The elements configured here will appear on the Customer Payment Methods (AR303010) form, so the user can enter method-specific settings for each customer that uses the payment method.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element | Description |
Integrated Processing |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the payment method requires processing through a processing center. If this check box is selected for the method, the Processing Centers tab appears on the form. This check box appears on the form if the Integrated Card Processing feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. This check box is selected by default if Credit Card is selected in the Means of Payment box in the Summary area. The state of this check box depends on the state of the Require Card/Account Number check box—both check boxes should be either selected or cleared. The system verifies the state of both check boxes and, if they are different, displays an error message in the following cases:
Require Card/Account Number |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that this payment method requires a card number or other unique identifier each time the method is used. Such methods as cash or checks do not require any identifiers, while a credit card method requires card numbers as identifiers, and a wire transfer method requires bank account numbers. The state of this check box depends on the state of the Integrated Processing check box—both check boxes should be either selected or cleared. The system verifies the state of both check boxes and, if they are different, displays an error message in the following cases:
Void On Clearing Account |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that a payment voided after the appropriate deposit (the one that contains the payment) has been released should be voided on the respective clearing account instead of on the bank account. For details, see Preparation of Deposits. |
Has Billing Information |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that customer remittance information is required for this payment method. If this check box is selected, the Billing tab will appear on the Customer Payment Methods (AR303000) form. |
Default Void Date to Document Date |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the date of document voiding is to be set to the origin document date by default. The date of document voiding is set to the current business date if the business date is later than the document date. Note: If the current business date or the date that you specify in
the Application Date box (that is, the
date when the document is supposed to be voided) is earlier than
the date of the origin document, then the system uses the origin
document date as the date of document voiding.
Column | Description |
ID | The identifier of the payment method element, which can be CCDNUM (the card number), EXPDATE (the card's expiration date), NAMEONCC (the name on the card), CVV (the card's security code), or CCPID (payment profile ID). |
Description |
The user-defined name for the payment method element. An alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters can be used. Note: In case of multiple locales, default values in this column are
derived from the Translation Dictionaries (SM200540) form
if there are any. To define a translation, on the Translation Dictionaries form, you select a language and
select the Show Only Unbound check box.
Then type a description you want to translate in the search box
(under Key-Specific Values) and define a
Required | A check box that you select to indicate that the user must specify a value for this payment method element. |
Encrypted | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the values of the payment method element are displayed encrypted. That is, asterisks are displayed instead of the actual values. |
Card/Account Nbr. | A check box that you select if the value of this payment method element should be used as the identifier of the specific version of the payment method, such as a credit card number being used to identify one of the customer's credit cards. (Credit card numbers are shown with the display mask applied.) |
Exp. Date | A check box that you select if this payment method element holds the card expiration date. |
Name on Card | A check box that you select if this payment method element holds the name on the card. |
Payment Profile ID | A check box that indicates (if selected) that this element is used by a processing center to store the identifier of the payment profile. In particular, it is used by Authorize.Net. |
Sort Order | The integer that defines the order of this payment method element in the list of elements. The element (row) with the smallest number will appear at the top of the list. |
Entry Mask | The ASCII string to be used as an input mask for the element. |
Validation Reg. Exp. | The regular expression to be used for element input validation. |
Display Mask | The ASCII string to be used to display the value of the element, if the element has been defined as the identifier of the particular payment method. |
If the Credit Card option is not selected in the Means of Payment element, the following elements are available for the payment method.
Column | Description |
ID | The system-generated identifier of the payment method element. |
Description | The name for the payment method element. An alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters can be used. |
Required | A check box that you select if the user must specify a value for this payment method element. |
Encrypted | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the values of the payment method element are displayed encrypted. That is, asterisks are displayed instead of the actual values. |
Sort Order | The integer that defines the order of this element in the list of elements. The element (row) with the smallest number will appear at the top of the list. |
Entry Mask | The ASCII string to be used as an input mask for the element. |
Validation Reg. Exp. | The regular expression to be used for element input validation. |
Settings for Use in AP Tab
On this tab, for the payment method, you can select processing options based on the selected means of payment, define the elements, and set input validation masks, regular expressions, or both. These elements will appear on the Vendors (AP303000) form to hold vendor-specific details of the payment method.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element | Description |
Print Checks | An option button that indicates (if selected) that this method involves printing checks. The system requires and validates the uniqueness of each payment reference number entered (manually or automatically) for printed documents. |
Create Batch Payments |
An option button that indicates (if selected) that this method involves creating batch payments. The system requires and validates the uniqueness of each batch reference number. This option button is selected automatically if Direct Deposit is selected in the Means of Payment box and BACS HSBC Payment or BACS Lloyds Payment is selected in the Direct Deposit File Format box. |
Not Required | An option button that indicates (if selected) that payment documents created with this payment method does not require additional processing. With this option button selected, you can also specify whether the system must require and validate uniqueness of each payment reference number, by selecting or clearing the Require Unique Payment Ref. check box in the Payment Settings section. |
Element | Description |
Report | The report to be used as a template for printing checks. You can use the following preconfigured reports: Check Form (AP640500) and Check Form with Remittance (AP641000). |
Lines Per Stub |
The maximum number of lines on a stub. If the number of lines exceeds this value, the remaining lines are printed on the stub of the next check (and any other checks that follow it, as needed to list all remaining lines). The checks with excess lines are printed with VOID on the check. You need to enter a positive whole number. If you enter 0 in this box, the system changes it to 1. |
Print Remittance Report | A check box that you select if, for this method, check stubs will be printed separately from checks, with the help of the template specified in the Remittance Report box. |
Remittance Report | The report to be used to print check stubs. The report available for printing stubs is Additional Remittance Form (AP642000). |
Element | Description |
Export Method |
The method to be used for the export of batch payments. This box appears on the form if the Create Batch Payments option button is selected in the Additional Processing section of the current tab. One of the following options can be selected:
Export Scenario |
The scenario to be used to export the batch payments in the proper format. This box appears on the form if Export Scenario is selected in the Export Method box. If BACS HSBC Payment is selected in the Direct Deposit File Format box, this box displays BACS HSBC Payment by default. The BACS HSBC Payment export scenario supports BACS Standard 18 and can be viewed and edited on the Export Scenarios (SM207025) form. If BACS Lloyds Payment is selected in the Direct Deposit File Format box, this box displays BACS Lloyds Payment by default. The BACS Lloyds Payment export scenario supports BACS Standard 18 and can be viewed and edited on the Export Scenarios form. |
Skip Payments with Zero Amount | This check box indicates, if selected, that payments with zero amount will not be included in a batch payment file. |
Require Batch Seq. Number | This check box indicates, if selected, that the system requires a number for each batch payment. The numbering sequence can be specified on the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form. |
Release Batch Payment Before Export |
This check box indicates (if selected) that batches can be exported after they are released. If this check box is cleared, batches can be exported before they are released. In this case, if a bank rejects a payment or if there is an error in the payment details, you can roll back the batch status to Balanced and edit the batch by excluding the payment or updating the details. The batch can then be exported again. This check box is cleared by default. |
Element | Description |
Require Unique Payment Ref. | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the unique payment reference number is required for each payment document created with this payment method. |
Column | Description |
ID | The identifier of the payment method element. |
Description | The user-defined name for the payment method element. An alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters can be used. |
Required | A check box that you select to indicate that a value must be specified for this payment method element. |
Sort Order | The integer that defines the order of this payment method element in the list of elements. The element (row) with the smallest number will appear at the top of the list. |
Entry Mask | The ASCII string to be used as an input mask for the payment method element. |
Validation Reg. Exp. | The regular expression to be used for element input validation. |
Control Type | The control type of the payment method setting. For the U.S. ACH plug-in, the possible
values are the following:
Default Value | The default account type for the payment method setting if Account Type List is selected in the Control Type column. The possible options are Checking Account and Savings Account. |
Settings for Use in PR Tab
On this tab, for the payment method, you can select processing options based on the selected means of payment.
This tab appears only if the Use in PR check box is selected in the Summary area of the form.
Element | Description |
Print Checks | An option button that indicates (if selected) that this method involves printing checks. The system requires and validates the uniqueness of each payment reference number entered (manually or automatically) for printed documents. |
Create Batch Payments | An option button that indicates (if selected) that this method involves creating direct deposit payments in batches. The system requires and validates the uniqueness of each batch reference number. |
Element | Description |
Report | The report to be used as a template for printing checks. You can use the Pay Checks (PR641010) report, which is a preconfigured report. |
Element | Description |
Export Scenario | The scenario to be used to export the batch payments to an ACH file. Depending on whether your bank requires that your ACH files include balance lines, you can use one of the following preconfigured scenarios: Export PR Payment to ACH or Export PR Payment to ACH Balanced. |
Remittance Settings Tab
You use this tab to configure the elements that hold remittance information if it is required by this payment method for the cash accounts involved. The tab appears if the Require Remittance Information for the Cash Account check box is selected in the Summary area. If the elements for remittance information (described in the following table) are configured on the tab, remittance information will be required for the cash accounts linked to the method.
If the UK Localization feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the BACS HSBC Payment or BACS Lloyds Payment option is selected in the Direct Deposit File Format box in the Summary area of the current form, the settings on this tab are automatically populated by the system based on the bank requirements of HSBC or Lloyds Bank for BACS implementation.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
ID | The system-generated identifier of the element. |
Description | The user-defined name for the element. An alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters can be used. |
Required | A check box that you select if the user must specify a value for this payment method element. |
Encrypted | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the values of the payment method element are displayed encrypted (that is, asterisks are displayed instead of values). |
Sort Order | The integer that defines the order of the element in the list of elements. The element (row) with the smallest number will appear at the top of the list. |
Entry Mask | The ASCII string to be used as an input mask for the element. |
Validation Reg. Exp. | The regular expression to be used for input validation. |
Control Type | The control type of the payment method setting. For the U.S. ACH plug-in, the possible
values are the following:
Default Value | The default account type for the payment method setting if Account Type List is selected in the Control Type column. The possible options are Checking Account and Savings Account. |
Settings for Use in Payroll Tab
Element | Description |
Export Scenario for Payroll | Select an export scenario that has been set up on the Export Scenarios (SM207025) form. |
Plug-In Settings
This tab appears on the form if U.S. ACH Plug-In is selected in the Export Method box on the Settings for Use in AP tab. The table displays only the settings of the selected plug-in, depending on the state of the Show All Settings check box.
Element | Description |
Show All Settings |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the table shows all the plug-in settings that can be specified. If this check box is cleared, the table displays only the settings that most frequently require adjustment according to the known variations in customers' and banks' requirements. By default, the check box is cleared. |
Column | Description |
Parameter | The name of a setting of the plug-in. |
Value | The value of the listed setting. The type of value can be any of
the following, depending on the setting:
For the full list of U.S. ACH plug-in settings, see Settings of the U.S. ACH Plug-In. |
Processing Centers Tab
This tab appears on the form if the Integrated Card Processing feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Integrated Processing check box is selected on the Settings for Use in AR tab. You use this tab to select processing centers that can process payments made by this payment method.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Proc. Center ID | The processing center associated with the payment method. |
Active | A check box that indicates whether the processing center is active. |
Default | A check box that indicates whether the processing center is used by default. |
Funds Hold Period (Days) | The number of days the card processing system holds funds on a customer's card. |
Reauthorization Delay (Hours) | The number of hours before the first reauthorization attempt is performed. The default value is 0, but you can override this value. |