Shipping Terms
Form ID: (CS208000)
You can use this form for creating and maintaining the list of shipping terms in the system. Shipping terms are used to define the shipping, packaging, and handling costs, depending on the shipment amount.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
You use the elements in this area to add new shipping terms, or to view the details of an existing set of terms.
Element | Description |
Term ID | The unique identifier of the shipping terms. Use an alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters. |
Description | A description of the shipping terms that helps users to identify the term. |
Invoice Freight Price Based On | The base document to be used for the freight price calculation in
a sales order invoice with the current shipping terms selected. You
can select one of the following settings:
Details Table
You use this table to specify the break points for charges on shipments depending on the shipment amount. For details on the calculation and application of shipping terms, see Freight Calculation.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Break Amount | A minimal shipment amount to which the settings specified on the line are applicable. |
Freight Cost % | The percentage of the freight amount (charged by the carrier) that applies to values greater than this break amount. To leave the freight amount as charged by the carrier, specify 100%. |
Invoice Amount % | The percentage of the invoice amount that applies to values greater than this break amount. To leave the invoice amount unchanged, specify 100%. |
Shipping and Handling | The shipping and handling fee that applies to amounts greater than this break amount. |
Line Handling | The flat handling fee that is specified for a document line, which applies to line amounts greater than this break amount. |