To Link a Sales Order to an Existing Purchase Order

To link an existing sales order with items marked for purchasing to an existing purchase order, you use the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

To Link a Sales Order to an Existing Purchase Order

  1. Open the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
  2. In the Order Type box, select the order type.
  3. In the Order Nbr. box, select the reference number of the order to be linked.
  4. On the Details tab, for each line that is marked for purchasing, do the following:
    1. Click the line, and on the table toolbar, click PO Link.
    2. In the Purchasing Details dialog box, which opens, select Purchase to Order in the PO Source box.
    3. In the Vendor box, select the vendor from which the items have to be purchased.
    4. In the Purchase Warehouse box, specify the destination warehouse.
    5. In the table of the dialog box, select the unlabeled check boxes in the row of a purchase order line to be linked to the sales order line.
    6. Click Save to link the orders and close the dialog box.
  5. Save your changes to the sales order.