Project Budget: Related Reports and Inquiries

In the following sections, you can find details about the reports and inquiry forms you may want to review to gather information about the project budget.

If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the system with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact your system administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.

Reviewing the Actual Project Amounts

While you are viewing a particular project on the Projects (PM301000) form, you can quickly get more information about a project budget line. That is, for any line on the Revenue Budget or Cost Budget tab with a nonzero actual amount, you can view the project transactions. To review these project transactions, you click the project budget line; then on the table toolbar, you click View Transactions, and the system opens the Project Transaction Details (PM401000) form.

Reviewing Project Balances

You can review the project balance broken down by account group on the Balances tab of the Projects (PM301000) form. To review the corresponding project transactions of an account group, you click the line; then on the table toolbar, you click View Transactions. The system opens the Project Transaction Details (PM401000) form in a pop-up window.

Reviewing the Commitments of a Project

You can review the list of a project’s commitments on the Commitments (PM306000) form. In the Selection area of this form, you select the project; you can also filter the selected transactions by selecting a project task, an account group, an inventory item, and the type of the document from which the commitment originates. The form also displays the total quantities and amounts calculated for these commitments.

The form displays the commitments associated with the branches to which your user has sufficient access rights.

Reviewing Commitments by Project Budget Line

You can review the commitments corresponding to a project budget line with a nonzero committed value on the Cost Budget tab of the Projects (PM301000) form. To review the corresponding commitments of a line, you click the line; then on the table toolbar, you click View Commitment Details, and the system opens the Commitments (PM306000) form.

Reviewing Commitments by Account Group

You can review the project budget broken down by account groups on the Balances tab of the Projects (PM301000) form. To review the commitments corresponding to an account group, you click a line; then on the table toolbar, you click View Commitment Details, and the system opens the Commitments (PM306000) form.

Printing the Project Balance

While you are viewing a project on the Projects (PM301000) form, you can prepare a printable document showing the project balance at the project task level of detail; to do this, you click Print Project Balance on the More menu (under Reports). The system opens the printable document with the project balance on the Project Balance (PM621000) report. Then you can review the project balance, which is grouped by project tasks.

Reviewing Project Transactions

You can review the list of all transactions corresponding to a project on the Project Transaction Details (PM401000) form. In the Selection area of this form, you select the project to review all the corresponding project transaction. You can also use the selection criteria to filter the project’s transactions by account group, project task, inventory item, the range of dates, employee, account, related accounts receivable document, and transaction identifier.

Viewing a Budget Summary by Account Groups

If you want to view a budget summary broken down by account groups, you can use the Budget Summary by Account Group (PMPV0010) form, which is a pivot table. On this form, you can explore the particular amounts of project budgets; the pivot table uses data provided by the Budget Details (PMGI0010) generic inquiry form. The amounts are grouped by types of account groups and then by account groups.

You can edit the pivot table to reorganize and summarize the data of the underlying generic inquiry, so that you can view the data from different perspectives. You can also click any link in the table to explore the details of the budgets on the Drilldown Filter Applied filter tab of the Budget Details generic inquiry form.

Reviewing Potential Project Budget Overruns

You can review all the amounts that may potentially exceed the budget of a project on the Potential Project Budget Overruns (PM404000) form. In the Selection area of this form, you select the project and the type of the documents to be included in calculations. You then click Calculate on the form toolbar. You can also use selection criteria to filter the selected overruns by project task, account group, and inventory item.