Production Processing: Mass Processing

The following sections explain how to process multiple documents and transactions related to production process, and how the system generates, changes, or works with documents as a result of the mass processing.

Mass-Closing Production Orders

You close production orders by using the Close Production Orders (AM506000). You can close one order or multiple orders at a time. On this form, you specify the period within which the production orders were created, select the unlabeled check box in each row with a production order to be closed, and click Process on the form toolbar. The system closes the selected production orders.

Mass-Creating Production Orders

You can mass-create production orders for sales order lines with the Mark for Production check box selected by using the Create Production Orders (AM510000) form. To create multiple production orders related to sales order lines, on the form, you specify the selection criteria, select the unlabeled check box in each row for which a production order will be created, and click Process on the form toolbar. The system creates a production order for each line and links the production order to the sales order.

Mass-Printing Production Tickets

For any number of production orders, you can print production tickets for workers by using the Print Production Orders (AM511000) form. On this form, you specify the selection criteria to filter production orders, select the unlabeled check box in each row of a production order for which you need to print tickets, and click Process on the form toolbar.

Mass-Releasing Production Orders

Production orders that have the Planned status can be mass-released. To release multiple production orders, you open the Release Production Orders (AM500000) form, select the check box in the Selected column for each row of a production order to be released, and click Process on the form toolbar. The system releases the production orders and changes their status to Released.

Mass-Releasing Production-Related Transactions

Production-related transactions—such as material, labor, move, or WIP adjustment transactions—can be mass-released. To release multiple production-related transactions, you open the Release AM Documents (AM503000) form, select the unlabeled check box in each row of a transaction to be released, and click Process on the form toolbar. The system releases the transactions and changes their status to Released.