Target Restrictions in Import Scenarios

You can specify target restrictions that apply to records after they have been processed by the import scenario. For example, suppose that you have imported customer records to MYOB Acumatica and then manually changed the status of some of these records to Inactive on the Customers (AR303000) form, and now you want to update only imported customer records that have the Inactive status. Because you do not have the status in the source file, you cannot use source restrictions to select needed records. You can, however, specify a target restriction that makes the system save the results of import for only the records that have Inactive status on the form.

To configure restrictions that apply to records after they have been processed by the import scenario, you specify conditions for the target fields on the Target Restrictions tab of the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form. If you have specified target restrictions, after a record is imported, the system checks the conditions for the imported record. If a record satisfies the conditions, the system saves the result of processing the record during import. If a record violates the target restrictions, the resulting record is not saved; by default, the system stops processing records and displays an error. To make the system skip errors for the records that do not meet the restrictions and proceed with processing other records, you should set the system to not break on an incorrect target. In this case, the system will continue to process subsequent records after an error has occurred for a record.

For example, suppose that you want to delete customer records that have an Inactive status on the Customers form. To do this, you can add to the target restrictions the condition that the imported customer records should have the Inactive status. During import, the system will check whether each imported record has the Inactive status, and delete the record only if it has this status.

To determine target restrictions, you can use only the fields of the summary object. For example, on the Customers form, you can filter records by the Customer ID, Customer Name, and Status fields. You cannot use columns of Select dialog boxes, fields of related objects, and fields of detail objects to filter records. For example, for this form, you can filter customer records neither by the value of the Country field of the Main Contact group on the General Info tab, nor by the Country column of the Selector dialog box of the Customer ID field.