To Enter a Voucher Code

You use the Voucher Entry Codes (GL106000) form to enter new transaction codes.

On this form, you can also upload the Voucher Entry Codes file, which contains transaction codes provided by MYOB Acumatica.

To Enter a Voucher Code

  1. Open the Voucher Entry Codes (GL106000) form.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Add Row.
  3. In the Module column of the new row, select the subledger to which the document or a transaction will be posted.
  4. In the Module Tran. Type column, select the type of the document or transaction to be generated for the code.
  5. In the Unique Tran. Code column, type the unique identifier to be used for this voucher entry code.
  6. In the Description column, type a brief description of the voucher entry code.
  7. On the form toolbar, click Save.