Transactions by Class

Form ID: (FA631025)

This report displays information related to the fixed asset transactions for the specified financial periods (or range of periods). Fixed asset transactions are grouped by classes on the report.

See the following section for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters

On the Report Parameters tab, you use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Company/Branch: The company, branch, or company group for which you want to view information. By default, the current company or branch is selected. You can select another branch, company, or company group to which you have access or leave the box blank to view information about all companies in the tenant.

    This parameter is required if the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

  • Book: The depreciation book where the transactions to be reported on were entered. You must select a book.

    By default, the posting book is used.

  • From Period: The starting financial period of the range of periods the report will cover. You must select a period.

    By default, the current business period is used.

  • To Period: The ending financial period of the range of periods the report will cover. You must select a period.

    By default, the current business period is used.

  • Class: The class to which the assets to be viewed were assigned. Select a fixed asset class from the list, or leave the box blank to view information about fixed assets of all classes.
  • Department: The department to which the assets belong. Select a department from the list, or leave the box blank to view information about assets of all the departments.
  • Custodian: The person who is responsible for keeping the assets safe. Select a person from the list, or leave the box blank to view information about assets of all custodians.
  • View Asset: A check box you select to display the asset reference numbers and descriptions in the report.