Contract Items
Form ID: (CT201000)
You can use this form to create and maintain contract items. Contract items are non-stock items to be provided to a customer under a contract. You define the quantity limits of the contract item and the pricing for item setup, recurring billing, and renewal. The quantity of the contract item can be changed within the specified limits in the template or in the contract itself.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
By using the elements in this area, you can create a new contract item or select an existing item for editing.
Element | Description |
Contract Item | The unique identifier of a contract item, which should be specified in accordance with the CONTRACTITEM segmented key. |
Description | A description of the contract item, with any relevant comments. |
Price Options Tab
This tab provides quantity and price settings for contract items.
Element | Description |
Maximum Allowed Quantity | The maximum quantity of the contract item that a customer may buy under a contract. |
Minimum Allowed Quantity | The minimum quantity of the contract item that a customer may buy under a contract. |
Default Quantity | The contract item quantity that is used by default in the contract template. The quantity in the contract template or contract can be overridden within the minimum and maximum allowed quantities for the item. |
Currency ID |
The currency of the contract item price. This box appears on the form if the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. You can select a currency from the list of foreign currencies defined in the system. These currencies have the Active and Use for Accounting check boxes selected on the Currencies (CM202000) form. Note:
You should use contract items priced in the same currency in one
template. |
Setup Price | A read-only box that displays the contract item price for setup, which the system calculates based on the settings specified in the Setup and Renewal section of the current tab. |
Recurring Price | A read-only box that displays the recurring price of the contract item, which the system calculates based on the settings specified in the Recurring Billing section of the current tab. |
Extra Usage Price | A read-only box that displays the price for extra usage of the contract item, which the system calculates based on the settings specified in the Recurring Billing section of the current tab. |
Renewal Price | A read-only box that displays the price for renewal of the contract item, which the system calculates based on the settings specified in the Setup and Renewal section of the current tab. |
Element | Description |
Setup Item | The unique alphanumeric identifier of the non-stock item to be provided on
contract setup. Note: A non-stock item that is a kit cannot be selected in this
box. |
Setup Pricing |
The setup item pricing policy. The following options are available:
Item Price/Percent | The setup item price or percent to be applied to the non-stock item price. |
Retain Rate | The percent of the original amount of the deposit specified in the Deposit box. The system displays a warning on a contract screen when deposit balance gets to the percentage point. |
Deposit | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the contract item is treated as a deposit. |
Refundable | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the setup price of the contract item is refundable. |
Prorate Setup | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the setup price of the contract item is billed in proportion to unused services if contract terms change. |
Renewal Item |
The unique alphanumeric identifier of the non-stock item to be provided on a contract renewal. Note:
A non-stock item that is a kit cannot be selected in this box. |
Collect Renewal Fee on Activation | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the customer should be billed for item renewal in the first billing period. |
Renewal Pricing |
The renewal item pricing policy. The following options are available:
Item Price/Percent | The renewal item price or percent to be applied to the non-stock item price. |
Element | Description |
Billing Type |
The recurring billing policy. The following options are available:
Recurring Item |
The unique identifier of the non-stock item the customer is billed for recurrently. Note:
A non-stock item that is a kit cannot be selected in this box. |
Reset Usage on Billing | A check box that indicates (if selected) that contract item usage is reset after the billing for a previous billing period has been performed. If you assign a deposit contract item to the displayed contract item, the system clears the check box value (if it was selected) and disables it. |
Recurring Pricing |
The recurring item pricing policy. The following options are available:
Item Price/Percent | The recurring item price or percent to be applied to the non-stock item price. |
Extra Usage Pricing |
The recurring item pricing policy, which is applied to the price if the customer has exceeded the included quantity of the service. The following options are available:
Item Price/Percent | The price for extra usage of the recurring item or the percent to be applied to the non-stock item price. |
Deposit Item | The unique identifier of a deposit assigned to the non-stock item the customer is billed for recurrently. |
Contract Templates Tab
The Contract Templates tab contains the list of contract templates, which are created on the Contract Templates (CT202000) form, that include the selected contract item.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Contract Template | The unique alphanumeric identifier of a contract template. |
Description | The contract template description. |
Active Contracts Tab
The Active Contracts tab contains the list of active contracts created on the Customer Contracts (CT301000) form that include the selected contract item. A contract is considered active if its status is not Draft, Canceled, or Expired.
- The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the customer—that is, the customer’s visibility is not restricted.
- A branch or company is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the customer, and your user account is assigned to the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the company.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Contract ID | The unique alphanumeric identifier of a contract. |
Customer | The customer associated with the contract. |
Status | The contract status. |
Setup Date | The date of contract setup. |
Expiration Date | The date when the contract expires. |
Description | The contract description. |