To Import a Bank Statement in Excel

If you have an Excel file with a single statement, on the Import Bank Transactions (CA306500) form, you can import the bank transactions for this statement by clicking the Load Records from File standard button on the table toolbar.

This procedure describes how to import a single bank statement from a Microsoft Excel file directly into the table of this form.

If you have an Excel file that holds multiple statements, you can import these statements by using a scenario based on the built-in data provider for Excel files. To create this scenario, you use the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form. You can adjust the sample scenario for importing bank statements, which is available with the demo data supplied with MYOB Acumatica.

To Import the Bank Statement

  1. Open the Import Bank Transactions (CA306500) form.
  2. In the Cash Account box, select the bank account for which you want to import the statement.
  3. In the Statement Date box, either leave the current business date or select another date.
  4. In the Start Balance Date box, select the earliest date among the dates of the unreconciled documents.
  5. In the End Balance Date box, select the latest date among the dates of the documents listed on the bank statement.
  6. In the Beginning Balance box, specify the balance of the account on the start date.
  7. In the Ending Balance box, specify the balance of the account on the end date.
  8. On the form toolbar, click Save.

    The system creates a blank statement and generates a reference number for it in accordance with the numbering sequence assigned to bank statements on the Cash Management Preferences (CA101000) form.

  9. On the table toolbar, click Load Records from File. The File Upload dialog box is displayed.
  10. In the dialog box, by using the File Path box, select the file with the statement. Click Upload to upload the file and close the dialog box.
  11. In the dialog boxes that the system brings up sequentially, proceed as follows:
    1. In the Common Settings dialog box, in the Null Value box, type the character that is used as the null value in the source file.
    2. In the Culture box, select the locale in which the data is presented in the source file. Click OK in the dialog box.
    3. In the Columns dialog box that appears, perform mapping of the columns of the source file (the left column) to the columns available on the Import Bank Transactions form. Click OK to close the dialog box and complete the import.
  12. On the form toolbar, click Save.

In the table, you can review the list of imported transactions and manually edit transaction details. You can then process the imported transactions by using the Process Bank Transactions form. For details, see Processing Imported Transactions.