To Add Entry Types for Charges

You use the Entry Types (CA203000) form to configure entry types that you will use to register finance charges. For the steps of the configuration process, see Registration of Finance Charges.

To Add Entry Types for Charges

  1. Open the Entry Types (CA203000) form.
  2. On the table toolbar, click Add Row to append a new row to the table.
  3. In the Entry Type ID column of the new row, type an identifier for the new entry type.
  4. In the Description column, provide a description that will let users easily identify the entry type.
  5. In the Disb./Receipt column, select Disbursement.
  6. In the Module column, select CA to specify that a transaction based on this entry type will affect the balances of GL accounts only.
  7. In the Default Offset Account column, select the general ledger account of the expense type to keep records of the bank charges of this specific type.
  8. In the Offset Subaccount column, select the subaccount for recording charges of this specific type.
  9. If the bank will deduct finance charges of this entry type from the accounts receivable payment amount, select the Deduct From Payment check box.
Once bank charges have been configured, you can apply them to payments by using the following forms: