To Set Up Mapping Rules

On the Custom Mapping Rules tab of the Bank Feeds (CA205500) form, you can set up optional mapping between the bank feed fields and the bank transaction fields by specifying the source and target fields, respectively, and using formulas in the source field. You can specify your own mapping or set up the default mapping.

The following table shows the default mapping settings for Plaid bank feeds.

Active Target Field Source Field
Selected Ext. Ref. Nbr. =ISNULL([Check Number], [Transaction ID])
Selected Card Number =TRIM(ISNULL([Account Owner], ''))

The following table shows the default mapping settings for MX bank feeds.

Active Target Field Source Field
Selected Ext. Ref. Nbr. =ISNULL([Check Number], [Transaction ID])

If mapping is defined in the table for a target field and the Active check box is selected, the custom mapping rule will have a priority over the core program mapping, if it exists for this field. The specified rules will affect all bank transactions that will be created for all cash accounts from the current bank feed.

To Set Up Mapping Rules

To set up mapping rules, do the following:

  1. On the Bank Feeds form, select the needed bank feed and go to the Custom Mapping Rules tab.
  2. On this tab, set up mapping rules in either of the following ways:
    • To set up custom mapping rules, click Add Row on the table toolbar and specify the needed settings in the Target Field and Source Field or Value columns.
    • To set up default mapping rules, click Set Default Mapping on the form toolbar. The system will fill in the settings automatically based on the bank feed selected on the form.
  3. Click Save to save the changes.