Master Production Schedule

Form ID: (AM201000)

This form is available only if the Material Requirements Planning feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

The master production schedule is entered manually by the master planner. Based on the results, the master planner will decide what needs to be produced. Management will often need to approve what will be produced based on the cost of materials. MRP will then plan all the requirements based on the MPS. In addition, the MPS is treated as a preplanned production order and will act as a supply for other demand requirements.

It is expected that MPS orders will be converted to production orders by using the Inventory Planning Display (AM400000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

Element Description
Inventory ID

Enter the stock inventory item you wish to maintain.

Table Area

The table displays the MPS orders for the selected inventory item and subitems if configured.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Inventory ID Inventory Item that is being planned.
Plan Date This is the date by which the production should be completed. This becomes the end date for a planned production order.
Type This is the MPS Type ID. It defines the type of MPS that is being entered and controls the way the MPS will behave. This will default from the MRP Settings screen.
Warehouse The warehouse assigned to the MPS order.
Quantity The planned quantity to be produced.
Unit This is the unit of measure. It will default to the Stocking Unit of Measure.
BOM ID The BOM ID that will be used by MRP to plan the MPS. The BOM ID will determine the routing and the materials requirements. It will default to the primary BOM ID setup for the warehouse specified.
Active Clear this check box when MRP should no longer plan the MPS order. This check box will automatically be cleared, based on the MPS type, when the plan date is prior to the MPS fence.
MPS ID The MPS order number that is used as drill down on forms and reports.
Description The description for the stock item.
BOM Description The description for the bill of material.
Line Nbr Line number of the MPS order.