Configurator Preferences

Form ID: (AM104000)

You use this form to provide general settings for the Product Configurator functionality. The required data must be entered before you can use the Product Configurator features.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

General Section

All of the elements in this section are required.

Element Description
Config Numbering Sequence This will be the ID of each unique configuration. Use the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form to define the sequence.
Default Revision The starting revision number for a new configuration.
Config Key Format A configuration key uniquely identifies a configuration and can be user defined. Each configuration can define the format it wants to use on the Keys tab of Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form. The options below get defaulted to new configurations but can be overridden.
  • No Key: A configuration key is not required.
  • Formula: Allows the use of text and attribute variables.
  • Number Sequence: Use a numbering sequence defined on the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form.
Completion Required Before Production If selected, you must click the Finish button on the Configuration Entry (AM306000) form before a production order can be created. This will default on the Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form but can be changed.

Price Section

This section defines how selling prices are generated. The Overrides Default on Configuration check box enables or disables the setting of the pricing options on the Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form.

Element Description
Hide Price Details The selling price for an option is not displayed when configuring an item. The total configured price is always displayed.
Rollup This determines how the selling price is calculated. The options are:
  • Parent: Only the parent stock item is the source of the configured price. (Fixed price)
  • Children All: The selling price is calculated as the rolled up selling price of each option, including any fixed materials on the bill of material, times the quantity of each option.
  • Children CFG: The selling price is calculated as the rolled up selling price of each option, excluding any fixed materials on the bill of material, times the quantity of each option.
  • Parent/Children: The selling price is calculated as both Parent and Children All.
Override Default on Configuration This determines if the calculated price rollup can be overridden for a configuration.
Calculate This determines when the selling price is calculated on the Configuration Entry (AM306000) form. The options are the following:
  • On Completion: The selling price is calculated when you click the Finish button.
  • After Selection: The selling price is calculated each time an option is selected and/or quantity entered.
Override Default on Configuration This determines if the Calculate option can be overridden for a configuration.

Order Fields

These check boxes are used when configuring items on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

Element Description
Enable Warehouse For sales lines with a completed configuration this value indicates if the Warehouse box will be enabled (selected) or disabled (cleared). You would disable this to force the configuration to only be allowed for the warehouse specified in the configuration rules.
Enable Subitem For sales lines with a completed configuration this value indicates if the Subitem box will be enabled (selected) or disabled (cleared). This check box only is visible if the Inventory Subitem feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Enable Discount For sales lines with a completed configuration this value indicates if the Discount boxes will be enabled (selected) or disabled (cleared).
Enable Price For sales lines with a completed configuration this value indicates if the Price box will be enabled (selected) or disabled (cleared).