Project Publication: To Deploy a Customization Project

The following activity will walk you through the process of deploying a customization project to a staging environment.


Suppose that your colleague has created and tested the Yogifon customization project in their development environment. This project contains the modifications of various elements on the Customers (AR303000), Cases (CR306000), Leads (CR301000), Sales Orders (SO301000), and Customer Locations (AR303020) forms. Further suppose that you want to make the same changes to the staging environment. You need import the project to your instance and test it.

Process Overview

By using the Customization Projects (SM204505) form of your MYOB Acumatica instance, you will import the deployment package with the Yogifon customization project and then publish this customization project. You will then test the results of the changes on the appropriate forms.

System Preparation

Before you begin performing the steps of this activity, do the following:

  1. Prepare an MYOB Acumatica instance called Yogifon_Staging by using the process described in Customization Projects: To Deploy an Instance.
  2. In the Yogifon_Staging instance, enable the following features on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form:
    • Business Account Locations
    • Multicurrency Accounting
    • Payment Application by Line
  3. Download the file of the deployment package.

Step 1: Applying the Customization Project to the Staging Environment

To apply the customization project to the staging environment, you will import the deployment package to the staging environment and publish the customization project as follows:

  1. In the Yogifon_Staging instance, open the Customization Projects (SM204505) form.
  2. On the More menu (under Import), click Import.
  3. In the Open Package dialog box, which opens, select the file, which you have downloaded.
  4. Click Upload.

    The system uploads the project and adds it to the list on the Customization Projects form.

  5. In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the Yogifon customization project.
  6. On the More menu (under Publish), click Publish.
  7. Wait until the Publish button appears in the Compilation pane, and click it.
  8. Wait until the Website updated row appears in the Compilation pane, and click Close Compilation Pane.

    The changes of the customization project are applied to the instance.

Step 2: Testing the Changes

To test the changes in the published customization project, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Generic Inquiry (SM208000) form. In the Inquiry Title box, select SO-OpenByCustomer.
  2. On the form toolbar, click View Inquiry.

    Make sure that the inquiry opens in a new browser tab, and that it contains the Order Type column.

  3. On the Customers (AR303000) form, do the following:
    1. Open the customer with the C000000003 ID.
    2. Find the Address Type box on the General tab, and make sure that it has the Business, Home, and Other options.
    3. Make sure that the Financial tab contains the Currency section.
    4. On the More menu (under Inquiries), click Open SO by Customer, and make sure that the Open Sales Orders by Customer generic inquiry opens in a new browser tab.
  4. On the Cases (CR306000) form, do the following:
    1. Open the 000002 case.
    2. Verify that the form contains the Problem Summary tab with the Problem Type and Comments boxes.
    3. Click the magnifier button of the Case ID box in the Summary area, and make sure that the lookup table contains the Reported On column.
  5. On the Leads (CR301000) form, clear the Email for the record with the Smith, Jenny lead ID, and make sure that the Accept command on the More menu is visible but unavailable.
  6. On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, do the following:
    1. On the Company and Branch Selection menu in the top pane of the screen, select the MyStore branch.
    2. Open the sales order with the 000002 ID.
    3. Verify that the form toolbar contains the Sales Orders by Customer button, and that the More menu contains the Sales Orders by Customer command.
    4. Click this button or menu command, and make sure that the report opens in a new browser tab.
  7. On the Customer Locations (AR303020) form, make sure that the Network Type box is displayed on the User-Defined Fields tab.