The Features.xml File

Every instance of MYOB Acumatica has a Feature.xml file, located in the PX.Data.dll library. This file contains the description of the out-of-the-box features that are available in the instance and displayed on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Each feature is represented in the Features.xml file by a Feature element with a number of Access subelements. (For an example, see the following code.)

<Feature Name="Branch">
   <Access ScreenID="GL201500"
           FieldName="DefBranchID" />
   <Access ScreenID="GL101010" />
   <Access FieldClass="BRANCH"/>

For all custom features you are implementing, you should create a new Features.xml file of the same structure that contains information about all new features.

Targets for Rules

By using the Access element, you can set up rules for the following items:

  • A specific page, as shown in the following example.
    <Access ScreenID="AP506500" />
  • All pages whose identifiers start with the provided value; see the following code line.
    <Access ScreenID="IN" />
  • A specific data field on a page, as shown below.
    <Access ScreenID="GL201500"
            FieldName="PostInterCompany" />
  • Data fields having a specific field class. (See the following example.)
    <Access FieldClass="BRANCH"/>

    To apply this rule to a field, you should specify the name of the field class in the PXUIField attribute added to the field definition in the data access class, as follows.

    [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Active", FieldClass="BRANCH")]
    public bool? Active{
  • A specific action on a page, as demonstrated in the following code line.
     <Access ScreenID="AR303000" ActionName="NewSalesOrder"/>
  • A user role, as the following example shows.
    <Access Role="Consultant"/>