Working Modes and Supported Commands

This topic lists the commands that can be used to quickly switch to another mode or to perform an action in the current mode.

The listed commands can be used on the following forms:

Some commands can be used on any form, while other commands are restricted to a specific form. The applicable forms are specified in the description of each table.

In any working mode, you enter a command or barcode by typing it in the Scan box and pressing Enter. In production systems, you will scan the appropriate barcodes rather than manually entering them.
Table 1. Commands for Switching Working Modes

These commands, which can be used in any mode and on any form listed in the topic, give you the ability to switch to different working modes. When you switch to another working mode, the system automatically opens the relevant form.

In the MYOB mobile app, the use of these commands is restricted to switching modes within one screen. Navigation between screens is not supported.

Command Description of Performed Operation

Opens the Receive and Put Away (PO302020) form and switches to Receive mode.

This command cannot be used if the Display the Receive Tab check box is cleared on the Warehouse Management tab (Receiving Workflow section) of the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form.


Opens the Receive and Put Away form and switches to Put Away mode.

This command cannot be used if the Display the Put Away Tab check box is cleared on the Warehouse Management tab (Receiving Workflow section) of the Purchase Orders Preferences form.


Opens the Pick, Pack, and Ship (PO302020) form and switches to Pick mode.

This command cannot be used if the Display the Pick Tab check box is cleared on the Warehouse Management tab (Fulfillment Workflow section) of the Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form.


Opens the Pick, Pack, and Ship form and switches to Pack mode.

This command cannot be used if the Display the Pack Tab check box is cleared on the Warehouse Management tab (Fulfillment Workflow section) of the Sales Orders Preferences form.


Opens the Pick, Pack, and Ship form and switches to Ship mode.

This command cannot be used if the Display the Ship Tab check box is cleared on the Warehouse Management tab (Fulfillment Workflow section) of the Sales Orders Preferences form.


Opens the Scan and Issue (IN302020) form and switches to Scan and Issue mode.


Opens the Scan and Receive (IN301020) form and switches to Scan and Receive mode.


Opens the Scan and Transfer (IN304020) form and switches to Scan and Transfer mode.


Opens the Scan and Count (IN305020) form and switches to Scan and Count mode.


Opens the Item Lookup (IN202520) form and switches to Item Lookup mode.


Opens the Storage Lookup (IN202520) form and switches to Storage Lookup mode.

Table 2. Common CommandsThese commands, which can be used in any mode and on any form listed in the topic, give you the ability to perform processing actions.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*cancel Clears the unconfirmed lines and returns to the initial step of the mode (such as scanning a document number or a warehouse).
*ok Confirms the line that is currently being processed or confirms your selections in a dialog box.
*qty Enables Quantity Editing mode for a confirmed line.
*remove Activates Remove mode, in which the user removes items.
*reset Clears the unconfirmed lines and returns to the first step in the mode, keeping the current document selected.
*save Saves your progress on the current operation.
Table 3. Receive Mode CommandsThese commands, which can be used in Receive mode, give you the ability to perform actions specific to receiving on the Receive and Put Away (PO302020) form.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*release Releases the currently processed purchase receipt.
*complete*polines Releases the purchased receipt that is being processed and completes all its lines, regardless of whether they were received in full.
Table 4. Put Away Mode CommandsThis command, which can be used in Put Away mode, gives you the ability to release an inventory transfer on the Receive and Put Away (PO302020) form.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*release Releases the inventory transfer that has been prepared for the operation of putting away items.
Table 5. Commands Specific to Pick and Pack ModeThese commands, which can be used in Pick and Pack mode, give you the ability to perform actions specific to picking and packing on the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form.
Mode Command Description of Performed Operation


Wave, batch, paperless picking

*confirm*pick Confirms the pick list which is currently being processed.

Pick and Pack

Wave, batch, paperless picking

*confirm*shipment Confirms the shipment which is currently being processed.


Paperless picking


Suggests another pick list.

The system uses the last scanned location as the current location of the picker to suggest the nearest pick list.


Paperless picking


Confirms the current pick list and suggests another pick list.

The system uses the last scanned location as the current location of the picker to suggest the nearest pick list.


Paperless picking


The system confirms the line with an incomplete quantity. You can return to this line later to pick the remaining quantity.


Wave, batch, paperless packing


Confirms the package. This command is equal to the *ok command.


Wave, batch, paperless packing


Moves all items that are not packed yet to the current box.


Paperless packing


Confirms the package in the paperless pack-only workflow.


Paperless packing


Confirms the package in the paperless pack-only workflow and suggests the next pick list.

Table 6. Commands Specific to Ship ModeThese commands, which can be used in Ship mode, give you the ability to perform actions specific to shipping on the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*get*labels Gets the return labels.
*refresh*rates Refreshes rates of carriers.
Table 7. Cart Tracking CommandsThese commands, which can be used in any mode, give you the ability to perform actions specific to cart tracking on the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) and Receive and Put Away (PO302020) forms.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*cart*in Enables Cart Loading mode.
*cart*out Enables Cart Unloading mode.
Table 8. Command Specific to Scan and Issue ModeThis command, which can be used in Scan and Issue mode, gives you the ability to release the inventory issue on the Scan and Issue (IN302020) form.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*release Releases the inventory issue document that has been prepared for the operation that has been performed.
Table 9. Command Specific to Scan and Receive ModeThis command, which can be used in Scan and Receive mode, gives you the ability to release the inventory receipt document on the Scan and Receive (IN301020) form.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*release Releases the inventory receipt document that has been prepared for the operation that has been performed.
Table 10. Command Specific to Scan and Transfer ModeThis command, which can be used in Scan and Transfer mode, gives you the ability to release the inventory transfer document on the Scan and Transfer (IN304020) form.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*release Releases the inventory transfer document that has been prepared for the operation that has been performed.
Table 11. Command Specific to Scan and Count ModeThis command, which can be used in Scan and Count mode, gives you the ability to confirm the physical inventory document on the Scan and Count (IN305020) form.
Command Description of Performed Operation
*confirm Confirms the physical inventory document prepared for the operation being performed.