Voiding of a Sales Tax Report: General Information
You can void a prepared tax report if there are new transactions in the selected reporting period that you want to add to the tax report before preparing it again or if you noticed that the report was not configured properly and you need to amend the tax report structure.
Learning Objectives
From reading the topics in this chapter and completing the process activity, you will learn how to void a tax report that has been prepared for a particular company, create any documents that are missing in the system, and again prepare the tax report.
Applicable Scenarios
You void a tax report if you have spotted errors such as a missing document or a document with the wrong tax category (and therefore with an incorrect tax amount). You can void only an unreleased tax report.
Voiding of a Tax Report
You void a tax report with the Prepared status; a tax report that has been released cannot be voided. You void a tax report by clicking Void Report on the form toolbar of the Release Tax Report (TX502000) form. When you do, the system changes the status of the corresponding reporting period from Prepared to Open, and opens the Prepare Tax Report (TX501000) form, on which you can prepare another tax report for the selected reporting period. For details, see Tax Report Preparation: Process Activity.
You void a tax report for a selected company regardless of whether this company reports taxes by branch—that is, regardless of whether the File Taxes by Branch check box is selected or cleared on the Companies (CS101500) form (if your company type is With Branches Requiring Balancing, otherwise this check box will be unavailable).