Cash Entries with Taxes: Generated Transactions

For cash transactions created in the cash management subledger, the system records tax amounts to the GL account specified for a particular tax on the GL Accounts tab of the Taxes (TX205000) form, as shown in the following table.
Table 1. Tax Sales Cash Transaction
Account Debit Credit
Checking account Amount + tax amount 00.00
Tax Payable account 00.00 Tax amount
Sales account 00.00 Amount

If taxes are applied to a cash transaction of the Receipt or Disbursement type, the system generates the following GL transactions.

Table 2. Receipt Cash Transaction
Account Debit Credit
Cash account Amount + tax amount 0.00
Offset account 0.00 Amount
Tax Payable account 0.00 Tax amount
Table 3. Disbursement Cash Transaction
Account Debit Credit
Cash account 0.00 Amount + tax amount
Offset account Amount 0.00
Tax Claimable account Tax amount 0.00