To Create a Credit Memo Order (CM)

To credit a customer for returned goods without shipping items, you enter a credit memo order (that is, an order of the CM order type) by using the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

To Enter a Credit Memo Order

  1. Open the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
  2. In the Summary area, select CM as the order type.
  3. Select the customer in the Customer box.
  4. Check the location of the customer in the order, and change it if needed.
  5. Check the currency and the currency exchange rate on the corresponding document from the customer, and change these in the order if needed.
  6. Notice the non-project code that is shown in the Project box; if this order is associated with a particular project, select the project.
  7. Check the date of the order, and change it if needed.
  8. In the Requested on box, specify the date of the customer document.
  9. In the Description box, provide a brief description of this credit memo order.
  10. On the Details tab, add all the invoices that list the items that have been returned. For each invoice, click Add Invoice on the table toolbar and perform the following steps:
    1. In the Reference Nbr. box of the Add Invoice Details dialog box, which opens, select the customer invoice by its identifier.
    2. Once the line or lines of the selected document appear in the table, select the unlabeled check box to the left of each line with an item to be returned.
    3. Click the Add & Close button to add the selected lines to the order (on the Details tab) and close the dialog box.
    4. Click Save on the form toolbar.
  11. Optional: To add other items that will be returned, perform the following steps for each item:
    1. On the Details tab, click Add Items on the table toolbar. The Inventory Lookup dialog box appears with a list of active inventory items.
    2. In the dialog box, to find the item by a string in its inventory ID or description, type this string in the Inventory box.
    3. To further narrow the list to a particular subitem of the item (if subitems are used in your system), select it in the Subitem box.
    4. In the resulting list of items, select the unlabeled check box in the row of the item you want to add, and in the Qty. Selected column, specify the quantity of the item to be returned (measured in the sales unit of measure shown in the Sales Unit column).
    5. Click the Add & Close button, which adds the items and closes the dialog box.
    6. Click Save on the form toolbar.
  12. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold.
  13. On the form toolbar, click Save.
To view and add particular stock items of non-stock kits in the Inventory Lookup dialog box, select the Show Non-Stock Kits by Components check box.