Color Theme: Usage of Custom Images and Theme

Users that have administrative access to the site database that is located on the server can edit the existing themes or create their own to apply them in the system. They also can customize the images displayed on the left side of the Sign-In page.

Changing the Images on the Sign-In Page

The system displays a custom image from a set of images stored in the Icons folder (from login_bg1.jpg to login_bg9.jpg) on the path that was specified for the site while the product was installed. We recommend that you save the images that you will use for the Sign-In page with the same names as the original images have and that you reserve the original images for future use by changing the extension of these files from .jpg to .bak. The recommended size of each image is 1500 by 1000 pixels.

Creating a Custom Theme

All themes are saved in the App_Themes folder on the path that was specified for the site while the product was installed. When you insert a new folder into the App_Themes folder, MYOB Advanced detects this folder and displays its name (which is also the name of the theme) in the list of the themes in the Interface Theme box on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form. We highly recommend that you create new themes rather than edit the existing ones to avoid issues with the look and feel of the site.

The following two files define the look and feel of the MYOB Advanced site:

  • 00_Controls.css: Defines the formatting of the forms that appear on the UI. This file can be found through the following path: C:\Program Files\Acumatica ERP\MySite\App_Themes\ThemeName.
  • Site.css: Defines the formatting of the navigation panels, tooltips, headers, and footers of the UI. This file can be found through the following path: C:\Program Files\Acumatica ERP\MySite\Content.

To create a custom theme, you copy the folder with the existing theme, insert it into the App_Themes folder, and rename the copied folder to MyTheme, where MyTheme is the name you want to use for the theme being created. Then you copy the Site.css file and rename it to SiteMyTheme.css, where MyTheme is replaced by the name you want to use for the theme you are creating. To modify the look and feel of the forms, change the color scheme in the 00_Controls.css file of the folder that has the name of your theme, and save the changes. To modify the look and feel of the other elements of the UI, change the color scheme in the SiteMyTheme.css file (where MyTheme is the name you want to use for the theme being created) and save the changes.

For instance, if you want to name your new theme Green, you copy the Default theme folder and rename it to Green. Then you copy the Site.css file and you rename it to SiteGreen.css so that the system can detect that they are interconnected.

When all files have been configured, you can select the created theme in the Interface Theme box of the Site Preferences form to apply the changes.

Inspecting Elements of the Webpage

While creating a custom theme, a user may wonder how to find the selector that is responsible for the formatting of a specific user interface element. Each browser has a set of web development and debugging tools called Developer Tools. These Developer Tools display the document object model (DOM) of the webpage or the DOM of a separate element on that page. On the Elements tab of the Developer Tools, the user can find the name of the source file where the code of the element is specified and the line of this code.

On the needed page, a user can press F12 to open the Developer Tools window. To view the node for a specific element, the user can click the Select Element tool button (Microsoft Internet Explorer) on the Command Menu bar of the Developer Tools window and select that specific element on the webpage. The HTML node of the selected element appears on the Elements tab of the Developer Tools window. The CSS code of the selected element is displayed on the Styles tab on the right side of the same window. The following screenshot shows how the system displays the HTML and CSS code of the selected element.

The following table displays the list of browsers and the name of the tool for each particular browser.

Browser Tool Name
Microsoft Internet Explorer Select Element
Microsoft Edge Select Element
Mozilla Firefox Select Element by Click
Apple Safari Start Element Selection
Google Chrome Select an element in the page to inspect it

Each .CSS file has commented lines that indicate the name of the class defined below these lines. You can use these lines to easily find the needed node through the document.

Examples of CSS Modifications

Open the copied earlier .CSS file, and make the needed changes in the code to affect the look of the UI elements. You can perform any of the following actions:

  • If you want to change the background color of the header, find the .navbar.master selector, and specify the required value for the background-color: property, as shown in the following sample code.
      min-height: 50px;
      font-size: 11pt;
      background-color: #007acc;
  • If you want to change the color of the main menu icons, find the .list-group.modules .ac, .list-group.modules .svg-icon selector, and specify the required value for the color: property, as shown in the following sample code.
    .list-group.modules .ac, .list-group.modules .svg-icon 
      font-size: 20pt;
      color: #0078D7;
  • If you want to change the background color of the tiles on the working area, find the .top-links > a selector, and specify the required value for the background-color: property, as shown in the following sample code.
    .top-links > a 
          position: relative;
          float: left;
          font-size: 11pt;
          text-decoration: none;
          padding: 10px;
          margin-right: 15px;
          margin-top: 10px;
          width: 135px;
          height: 80px;
          background-color: #007acc;
          color: white;
          border-radius: 2px;
  • If you want to change the color of the tile font, specify the required value for the color: property of the .top-links > a selector.
  • If you want to change the background color of the footer, find the .lic-banner selector and specify the required value for the background-color: property:
          position: relative;
          padding: 5px 15px;
          height: 30px;
          background-color: #007acc;
          color: white;
  • If you want to change the color of the footer font, specify the required value for the color: property of the .lic-banner selector.