Specific Widgets: Wiki Page Widgets

A wiki page widget is a dashboard view of a wiki topic, generally one that you need to refer to frequently. You can add to a dashboard any wiki topics that you consider useful. These topics can contain information—such as policy and procedure documents, plans, and task lists—shared within project teams, within or between departments, or with external users. For more information about MYOB Acumatica wiki concepts, see Wiki Overview in the MYOB Acumatica System Administration Guide.

When adding a wiki topic to a dashboard, you need to select the wiki page and specify the widget name. For a detailed description of the wiki page widget properties, see Add Widget Dialog Box for Wiki Page Widgets in the MYOB Acumatica Getting Started Guide.

See the screenshot below for an example of a help article widget.
Figure 1. Wiki page widget

By using a wiki page widget, you can open the source help article and update the widget view.

For the step-by-step procedure on how to add a wiki page to a dashboard, see Specific Widgets: To Add a Wiki Page Widget in the MYOB Acumatica Getting Started Guide.