Add Widget Dialog Box for Wiki Page Widgets

You use the Add Widget dialog box to add a widget to a dashboard and to modify an existing widget. The settings that you need to specify depend on the widget type.

When you add a new widget by using this dialog box, you perform two steps. In the first step, you select the type of the widget that you want to add to the dashboard; the system brings up the version of the Add Widget dialog box that is specific to the widget type. In the second step, you specify the properties that are specific to the selected widget type. When you modify an existing widget, you perform only the second step. (In this case, the system immediately brings up the appropriate version of the dialog box.)

Add Widget Dialog Box: Step 1

When you want to add a new widget to a dashboard, you first need to select the option button representing the type of the widget in the Add Widget dialog box. The elements of this dialog box are described in the following table.
Element Description
Widget Type The type of widget to be added to the dashboard, which can be one of the following:
  • Chart: A graphical representation of data from an MYOB Acumatica form. You can use charts of various types, such as bar charts and line charts.
  • Data Table: A systematic display of data from an MYOB Acumatica form, with data arranged into rows and columns.
  • Embedded Page: A document or an image that is stored on an external resource, such as cloud storage.
  • Header: A title that can be added to the widget section.
  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI): A statistical record that measures progress or achievement toward a set performance indicator by showing parameters that are important to the business processes of your organization and should be monitored daily. The following visualization types are available for the widget:
    • Scorecard: Data is presented in the form of a card with a single parameter.
    • Meter: Data is presented in the form of a gauge with normal, warning, and alarm levels.
  • Link: A link to an MYOB Acumatica form, report, or dashboard.
  • Pivot Table: A data table organized to filter, sort, count, total, or give the average of data from an MYOB Acumatica inquiry, displaying the summarized results in a separate table.
  • Power BI Tile: A chart, scorecard, or other analytical information that is represented on a Power BI dashboard designed by your organization.
  • Trend Card KPI: A statistical record showing parameters whose dynamic change is important to the business processes of your organization.
  • Wiki Page: A reference topic, procedure, business plan, or other content that is frequently consulted by MYOB Acumatica users.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
Cancel Cancels the changes and closes the dialog box.
Next Goes to the next step of the Add Widget dialog box for the selected widget type.

Add Widget Dialog Box: Step 2

After you select the Wiki Page widget type or when you want to modify a widget, you need to specify the properties that are specific to the wiki page widget. For more information about wiki page widgets, see Specific Widgets: Wiki Page Widgets. For a detailed procedure that describes adding a wiki page widget to a dashboard, see Specific Widgets: To Add a Wiki Page Widget.

Table 1. Widget Properties Dialog BoxYou can use this dialog box to specify the properties that are specific to wiki page widgets.
Element Description
Wiki Article The wiki page to be displayed on the widget.
Caption The name of the widget.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
Finish Saves your changes and closes the dialog box. If you are configuring a new widget, it is created on the dashboard after you click this button.

Returns to the previous step of the dialog box without saving your changes. The button appears only when you are adding a widget.

Cancel Cancels your changes and closes the dialog box.