To Change the Useful Life of an Asset

If the estimation of the useful life of an asset has changed, you change the estimated useful life in the asset record accordingly. You use the General tab of the Fixed Assets form to change the useful life of the selected asset.

For more information on changing the estimated useful life of an asset, see Changes in Fixed Asset Estimates.

To Change Useful Life of an Asset

  1. Open the Fixed Assets (FA303000) form.
  2. In the Asset ID box, select the asset whose net book value you want to change.
  3. On the General tab, in the Useful Life box, specify the new estimation of the asset useful life.
  4. On the form toolbar, click Save.
  5. Release the resulting transactions as directed by your company's workflow. For more information, see To Release a Fixed Asset Transaction.

The resulting transactions affect the net book value and the current cost of the selected asset displayed on the Balance and Reconciliation tabs.