To Add a Notification Template for Changes in the Contents of a Case

To add a notification template to inform case owners about customers adding comments or attaching files to cases, you use the Email Templates (SM204003) form. The template you add must be associated with the Cases (CR306000) form.

After you have added the notification template, you register the template on Customer Portal to automatically send emails to case owners. For details, see Configuring Case Management in the Customer Portal: Implementation Activity.

This topic describes how you can add a simple notification template for informing a case owner of additions to their cases.

To Add a Notification Template for Activities in Cases

  1. Open the Email Templates (SM204003) form.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
  3. In the Notification box, type the name of the notification.
  4. In the Screen ID box, select Organization > Customer Management > Work Area > Enter > Cases > Cases to associate the template with the Cases form.
  5. In the From box, select the system email account to be used to send emails.
  6. In the To box, select the case owner. Type ((Case.OwnerID.Email)) or select the necessary option in the list.
  7. In the Subject box, type the subject of the email—for example, New comment on Case #—and add the case ID. Type ((Case.CaseCD)) or select the necessary option in the list.
  8. In the text area, enter the email text and add the contents of the change. Do the following:
    • Enter the text of the email.
    • Add the subject of the customer comment. Type ((ActivitiesSelect.Subject)).
    • Add the contents of the case change to the email body. Type ((Activities.Body)).
  9. On the form toolbar, click Save.