To Create a Send and Receive Email Schedule

To schedule the process of sending and receiving emails in MYOB Advanced, do the following:

  1. Open the Send and Receive Email (SM507010) form.
  2. In the Action box, select Send/Receive All.
  3. On the form toolbar, click Schedules > Add. This opens the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form as a pop-up.
  4. On the Automation Schedules, in the Description box, type a brief description of the schedule, such as Send and Receive Email Schedule.
  5. On the Details tab, select the following settings:
    • No Execution Limit: Selected
    • No Expiration Date: Selected
  6. On the Schedule tab, specify the following settings (assuming, as an example, that a daily schedule is best for optimal response time):
    1. In the Schedule Type section, select Daily for the schedule to be executed every day.
    2. In Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the current date.
    3. In the Every box, type 1 Day(s).
    4. In the Execution Time section, in the Every box, type the interval between successive sessions of schedule execution in hours and minutes—for example, type 00:05 to execute the schedule every five minutes.
  7. On the Filter Values tab, add a row in the table with the following settings:
    1. Active: Selected
    2. Field Name: Action
    3. Relative: Cleared
    4. Value: Send/Receive All
    5. Ignore Error: Cleared
  8. Click Save & Close on the form toolbar to apply the settings.