Price Synchronization: To Export Prices for Customer Groups

In this activity, you will explore how sales prices of the Customer Price Class type are exported from MYOB Advanced to and saved in the BigCommerce store.

  • The following activity is based on the U100 dataset.
  • You can export price lists from MYOB Advanced only to BigCommerce stores on the Enterprise subscription plan. For information about BigCommerce subscription plans and available features, see the Pricing page.


Suppose that SweetLife Fruits & Jams wants to maintain all of its sales prices, including the prices of products sold in the BigCommerce online store, in MYOB Advanced. As an implementation consultant, you want to export sales prices of the Customer Price Class type for different types of jam from MYOB Advanced to the BigCommerce store so that you can offer a product to various groups of customers at different prices.

The company wants to sell the Pear jam 96 oz stock item at a discounted price of $43.70 to customers of the LOCAL customer price class and at a regular price of $45 to all other customers.

Configuration Overview

In the U100 dataset, the following tasks have been performed for the purposes of this activity:

  • On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the B2B Entities feature has been enabled.
  • On the Stock Items (IN202500) form, the PEARJAM96 stock item has been created.
  • On the Customer Price Classes (AR208000) form, the LOCAL (for local customers) customer price class has been created.
  • On the Customers (AR303000) form, the FRUITICO customer has been configured.
  • On the Sales Prices (AR202000) form, the sales prices listed in the following table have been defined. Both prices are effective.
Inventory ID Price Type Price Code UOM Price
PEARJAM96 Base Empty PIECE 45.00
PEARJAM96 Customer Price Class LOCAL PIECE 43.70

Process Overview

In this activity, you will do the following:

  1. On the Prepare Data (BC501000) form, prepare the customer price class, customer, and sales price list data for synchronization.
  2. On the Process Data (BC501500) form, process the prepared data of customer price classes, customers, and price lists.
  3. In the control panel of the BigCommerce store, review the customer groups, the exported prices of the item, the exported price list, and create a password for the customer account.
  4. On the storefront, view the product page as a signed-in customer.

System Preparation

Before you start this activity, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the following prerequisite activities have been performed:
    1. Initial Configuration: To Establish and Configure the Store Connection
    2. Data Synchronization: To Perform the First Synchronization
  2. Sign in to the control panel of the BigCommerce store as the store administrator.
  3. Sign in to the MYOB Advanced instance with the U100 dataset preloaded by using the following credentials:
    • Username: gibbs
    • Password: 123
  4. On the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form, open the SweetStore - BC store.
  5. On the Entity Settings tab, select the unlabeled check box in the row of the Price List entity. Notice that the system has automatically selected this check box for Customer Price Class entity.

    You select the Price List entity to export prices specific to customer price classes.

  6. On the form toolbar, click Save.
  7. On the Customers (AR303000) form, open the FRUITICO customer.
  8. On the Shipping tab (Other Settings section), in the Price Class box, select LOCAL.
  9. On the form toolbar, click Save.

Step 1: Preparing the Data

To synchronize the customer price classes and prices of the stock items that are specific to customer price classes, do the following:

  1. Open the Prepare Data (BC501000) form.
  2. In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
    • Store: SweetStore - BC
    • Prepare Mode: Full
    • Start Date: Empty
  3. In the table, select the Selected check box for each of the following entities:
    • Customer Price Class
    • Customer
    • Price List

    The Customer entity is included in this synchronization process to make sure the customers assigned to the LOCAL customer price class are exported to the BigCommerce store and are added to the customer group corresponding to their price class. You will use a customer of this customer price class (FRUITICO) later in this activity.

  4. On the form toolbar, click Prepare.
  5. In the Processing dialog box, which opens, click Close to close the dialog box.

Step 2: Processing the Prepared Data

To process the customer price class, customer, and price list data, do the following:

  1. Open the Process Data (BC501500) form.
  2. In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
    • Store: SweetStore - BC
    • Entity: Customer Price Class
  3. On the form toolbar, click Process.
  4. In the Processing dialog box, which opens, click Close to close the dialog box.
  5. In the Entity box, select Customer.
  6. On the form toolbar, click Process.
  7. In the Processing dialog box, which opens, click Close to close the dialog box.
  8. In the Entity box, select Price List.
  9. On the form toolbar, click Process.
  10. In the Processing dialog box, which opens, click Close to close the dialog box.

Step 3: Reviewing the Customer Groups

To review the customer groups, in the control panel of the BigCommerce store, do the following:

  1. In the left pane, click Customers > Customer Groups.

    On the Customer Groups page, which opens, notice that two customer groups have been created (INTERN and LOCAL).

    Customer price classes defined in MYOB Advanced are mapped to customer groups in the BigCommerce store. In the Customers in Group column, notice the number of customers that have been assigned to each of the customer groups.

  2. In the row of the LOCAL customer group, click the View link in the Customers in Group column.

    On the View Customers page, which opens, the system displays two customers assigned to the customer group, including the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop customer.

Step 4: Reviewing the Exported Sales Prices of the Item

To review the sales prices of the PEARJAM96 stock item in the BigCommerce store, do the following:

  1. In the left pane, click Products > View.
  2. On the View Products page, in the list of products, locate the PEARJAM96 stock item, and in the row of this item, click the link in the Product Name column.
  3. On the product management page, which opens for Pear jam 96 oz, in the Pricing subsection of the Product Information section, click the Show Advanced Pricing link.

    Notice that two prices are displayed in this section: the default price of $45.15, which is the default price of the stock item maintained on the Stock Items (IN202500) form; and the sales price of $45.00, which is the sales price of the Base type defined for the stock item on the Sales Prices (AR202000) form.

  4. At the top of the page, click View on Storefront.

    On the product detail page, which opens for Pear jam 96 oz, notice that the sales price of $45.00 is displayed as the item's price, and the default price is displayed as the previous price.

Step 5: Reviewing the Exported Price List

To review the LOCAL price list, which is specific to customers belonging to the LOCAL customer group, do the following:

  1. Return to the control panel of the BigCommerce store.
  2. In the left pane, click Products > Price Lists.
  3. On the Price Lists page, which opens, in the Price List Name column, click LOCAL.

    On the View Price Lists / LOCAL (USD) page, which opens, review the prices on the Prices tab.

    Notice that for the PEARJAM96 item, the New Sale Price column shows a value of $43.70, which is the price of the item defined for the LOCAL customer price class on the Sales Prices form.

    Tip: If the New Sale Price column is not displayed in the table, click Edit column in the upper right of the table and select the check box for the New Sale Price column.

Step 6: Creating a Password for the Customer

To create a password for the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop customer, do the following:

  1. In the left pane, click Customers > View.
  2. While you are still viewing the View Customers page, click the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop link in the Name column.
  3. On the Edit Customer page, which opens, in the Customer Password section, specify the customer password of !Q123456 in both the Password box and the Confirm Password box.
  4. In the lower right, click Save & Exit to save your changes.

Step 7: Viewing the Product Page as a Signed-In Customer

To view customer price, do the following:

  1. In the left pane, click View Store.
  2. On the storefront, click Sign In in the upper right of the main page.
  3. On the Sign-In page, enter the following credentials:
    • Email Address:
    • Password: !Q123456
  4. Click Sign in to sign in to the account of the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop customer.
  5. In the upper right, click Search, and start typing pearjam in the search box.
  6. In the list of search results, click the tile of Pear jam 96 oz.

    On the product detail page, which opens for Pear jam 96 oz, review the product price. Pear jam 96 oz is available for purchase at $43.70, which is the price specific to the LOCAL customer price class (or customer group) to which the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop is assigned.

  7. In the upper right, click Sign Out to sign out of the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop account.