Process Data

Form ID: (BC501500)

By using this form, you can view the synchronization records that are pending synchronization between MYOB Acumatica and the external e-commerce system. You can manually start the data synchronization process for all of these synchronization records or only those you select.

This form is available only if the Retail Commerce feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Process Starts the data synchronization process for the synchronization records you have selected in the table.
Process All

Starts the data synchronization process for all synchronization records listed in the table.

Set All as Processed

Sets the status of all synchronization records in the table to Processed, updates the date and time of the last synchronization with the current date and time, and removes the synchronization records from the table.

A synchronization record can be set as processed only if both the ERP ID and the External ID exist for this record.

Synchronization records set as synchronized are listed on the Processed filter tab of the Sync History form.

Set as Processed

Sets the status of the selected synchronization record or records (that is, all records for which the unlabeled check box is selected) to Processed, updates the date and time of the last synchronization with the current date and time, and removes the synchronization record or records from the table.

A synchronization record can be set as processed only if both the ERP ID and the External ID exist for this record.

Synchronization records set as synchronized are listed on the Processed filter tab of the Sync History form.


Sets the status of the selected synchronization record or records (that is, all records for which the unlabeled check box is selected) to Skipped, which excludes the selected synchronization record or records from further synchronization and removes them from the table.

Skipped records are listed on the Skipped filter tab of the Sync History (BC301000) form.

Skip All

Sets the status of all synchronization records in the table to Skipped, which excludes the selected synchronization records from further synchronization and removes them from the table.

Skipped records are listed on the Skipped filter tab of the Sync History (BC301000) form.

Selection Area

By using the elements in this area, you can filter the synchronization records to be shown in the table.

Element Description

The name of the e-commerce store for which you need to display data in the table.

By default, the system inserts the store for which the Default check box is selected on the BigCommerce Stores(BC201000) or Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.

Entity The entity synchronized with the selected store for which you want to display data pending synchronization in the table.
Processing Limit (Rows)

The maximum number of rows that are loaded to the table.


By using this table, you can select the synchronization records to be processed during the data synchronization process.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to indicate that the record should be processed if you click Process on the form toolbar.
Store The online store with which the entity is synchronized.
Entity The entity of the synchronization record.

The ID of the document or entity record in MYOB Acumatica.

If you click the link in this column, the system opens the corresponding MYOB Acumatica form in a pop-up window with the record selected.

External ID

The ID of the document or entity record in the external e-commerce system.

If you click the link in this column, the system opens the corresponding page of the external e-commerce system in a new window and displays the details of the record.

The value in this column may be simple or combined. A combined external ID includes two identifiers separated by a comma. For example, if the record represents a sales order that has been paid, the column contains the order number and the payment number, separated by a comma.

External Description

The description of the document or entity record in the external e-commerce system. The value in this column depends on the entity type of the synchronization record.


The status of the synchronization record.

In this table, only synchronization records pending synchronization (that is, synchronization records that have the Prepared or Failed status) are displayed.

Last Error The error, if any, that occurred during the last attempt to run the process.
Last Operation The operation that was last performed on the record, which is one of the following options:
  • Inserted in ERP: The synchronization record was synchronized; during the synchronization, a new document or entity record was created in MYOB Acumatica.
  • Updated in ERP: The synchronization record was synchronized; during the synchronization, the existing document or entity record was updated in MYOB Acumatica.
  • Deleted in ERP: The synchronization record was synchronized; during the synchronization, the existing document or entity record was deleted in MYOB Acumatica.
  • Modified in ERP: The document or entity record was changed in MYOB Acumatica but not synchronized.
  • Failed to Save in ERP: An error occurred while the document or entity record was being saved in MYOB Acumatica.
  • Conflict Resolved by Override in ERP: The synchronization record was synchronized; during the synchronization, a conflict occurred that the system resolved by updating the document or entity record in MYOB Acumatica with the changes from the external e-commerce system.
  • Inserted Externally: The synchronization record was synchronized; during the synchronization, a new document or entity record was created in the external e-commerce system.
  • Updated Externally: The synchronization record was synchronized; during the synchronization, the existing document or entity record was updated in the external e-commerce system.
  • Deleted Externally: The synchronization record was synchronized; during the synchronization, the existing document or entity record was deleted in the external e-commerce system.
  • Modified Externally: The document or entity record was changed in the external e-commerce system but not synchronized.
  • Failed to Save Externally: An error occurred while the document or entity record was saved in the external e-commerce system.
  • Conflict Resolved by Override Externally: The synchronization record was synchronized; during the synchronization, a conflict occurred that the system resolved by updating the document or entity record in the external e-commerce system with the changes from MYOB Acumatica.
  • Sync Failed: An error occurred during the synchronization.
  • Manually Synchronized: The synchronization record was manually synchronized by the user; timestamps were updated in the synchronization record.
  • Forced to Resync: The synchronization record was force-synchronized.
  • Not Found: During the synchronization, the document or entity record was not found in MYOB Acumatica or in the external e-commerce system. The synchronization record is marked as deleted.
  • Sync Settings Reconfigured: The synchronization settings for the entity were updated.
  • Skipped from Sync: The record was skipped during the synchronization.
  • Filtering Applied: Filtering conditions defined in the code or on the Entities (BC202000) form have been applied.
Last Attempt The date and time when the last attempt to run the data synchronization process occurred.

The e-commerce connector used for synchronization.

This column is hidden by default.

Last Externally Modified

The date and time when the document or entity record was last modified in the external e-commerce system.

This column is hidden by default.

Last Locally Modified

The date and time when the document or entity record was last modified in MYOB Acumatica.

This column is hidden by default.

Primary System

The system that is used as a source of data during the synchronization of entities. If bidirectional synchronization is selected, the data of the primary system takes precedence if any conflicts arise during the synchronization.

The primary system can be either of the following:

  • ERP (that is, MYOB Acumatica)
  • External System (that is, the external e-commerce system)

This column is hidden by default.

Sync Direction The direction of the synchronization. One of the following options may be displayed:
  • Export: Data is exported from MYOB Acumatica to the external e-commerce system.
  • Import: Data is imported to MYOB Acumatica from the external e-commerce system.
  • Bidirectional: Data is synchronized between MYOB Acumatica and the external e-commerce system in both directions.

This column is hidden by default.

Sync Record ID

The identifier of the synchronization record.

This column is hidden by default.