Active Estimates

Form ID: (AM000009)

This form lists all estimates with active revisions. They are maintained by using the Estimate (AM303000) form.

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Active Estimates Table

All the columns are from the Estimate (AM303000) form.

Column Description
Estimate ID Unique reference number to an estimate. The field uses a numbering sequence defined from the preferences page.
Revision The current revision for the selected estimate ID.
Inventory ID Inventory ID representing non-inventory or stock items.
Non-Inventory Indicating the entered inventory ID is a non-inventory item (when selected), stock or non-stock item (when cleared).
Subitem Subitem value to be used with the inventory ID.
This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Item Description Item description for the entered inventory ID.
Estimate Class Estimate classes are required and used for classifying estimates for reporting and field defaults.
Source Indicates the source of the estimate reference. The options are:
  • Estimate: The estimate is may or may not have external references. This type allows for free form entry of the listed reference fields for use as generic references. Estimates of this type can later be linked to existing or newly created quote document types.
  • Sales Order: Reference estimate is related to an order of the SO type. (Default when created from or linked to an order based on a sales order).
  • Opportunity: Reference estimate is related to a CR opportunity order. (Default when created from or linked to an opportunity based order).
Quote Type Reference quote order type. Quotes are orders that contain the reference listed under the Reference tab. This box is available only when the source value is Estimate.
Quote Nbr Reference quote order number. Quotes are orders that contain the reference listed under the Reference tab. This box is available only when the source value is Estimate.
Order Type Reference order type. Orders are firmed quotes as an order that contains the item as a stock or non-stock item. These orders are the documents that turn into shipments and contain the production order creation references. This box is available only when the source value is Estimate.
Order Nbr Reference order number. Orders are firmed quotes as an order that contains the item as a stock or non-stock item. These orders are the documents that turn into shipments and contain the production order creation references. This box is available only when the source value is Estimate.
Customer The ID of the customer associated with the estimate.