Project Unpublishing: To Unpublish a Single Project

The following activity will walk you through the process of unpublishing a single customization project.


Suppose that you have published two customization projects (Yogifon and OpportunitiesForm) in your MYOB Acumatica instance, and you want to revert the changes introduced by the OpportunitiesForm project. You need to unpublish this customization project.

Process Overview

By using the Customization Projects (SM204505) form of the Yogifon_Staging instance, you will unpublish the OpportunitiesForm project.

System Preparation

Before you begin performing the steps of this activity, do the following:

  1. Prepare an MYOB Acumatica instance called Yogifon_Staging by using the process described in Customization Projects: To Deploy an Instance.
  2. In the Yogifon_Staging instance, enable the following features on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form:
    • Business Account Locations
    • Multicurrency Accounting
    • Payment Application by Line
  3. Download the following files of the deployment packages.

Step 1: Publishing the Customization Projects

Before unpublishing a customization project, you will import the deployment packages to the staging environment and publish the customization projects as follows:

  1. In the Yogifon_Staging instance, open the Customization Projects (SM204505) form.
  2. On the More menu (under Import), click Import.
  3. In the Open Package dialog box, which opens, select the file, which you have downloaded.
  4. Click Upload.

    The system uploads the project and adds it to the list on the Customization Projects form.

  5. On the More menu (under Import), click Import again.
  6. In the Open Package dialog box, which opens, select the file, which you have downloaded.
  7. Click Upload.

    The system uploads the project and adds it to the list on the Customization Projects form.

  8. In the table on the form, select the check boxes (in the unlabeled column) for the Yogifon and OpportunitiesForm projects.
  9. On the More menu (under Publish), click Publish.

    The Compilation pane appears, and the validation of the projects is performed.

  10. Wait until the Publish button appears in the Compilation pane, and click it.
  11. Wait until the Website updated row appears in the Compilation pane, and click Close Compilation Pane.

    The changes of the customization project are applied to the instance.

Step 2: Unpublishing a Customization Project

To unpublish the OpportunitiesForm project, do the following in the Yogifon_Staging instance:

  1. Open the Customization Projects (SM204505) form.
  2. In the list of customization projects, select the unlabeled check box for the Yogifon project, and clear the check box for the OpportunitiesForm project.
  3. On the form toolbar, click Publish.

The system removes all published customization projects from the MYOB Acumatica instance, merges the content of the customization projects that are currently selected on the form, and applies the merged content to the instance.