Project Unpublishing: General Information

If the changes that you have made to the website are no longer required, you can revert them by unpublishing your customization project or projects.

Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn how to unpublish customization projects.

Applicable Scenarios

You unpublish customization projects in the following cases:

  • You have published multiple customization projects, and you want to unpublish all of them
  • You have published multiple customization projects, and you want to unpublish only certain projects

Rollback of Changes Made by Customization Projects

Each time you publish a customization project or multiple projects, the system unpublishes all previously published projects that were not selected for publication. Thus, you can also unpublish any number of projects. To unpublish unneeded projects, you publish all other projects without the projects that you want to unpublish.

During the unpublishing of a customization project, the system reverses the changes that have been introduced by the customization as follows:

  • Any MYOB Acumatica forms customized within the project return to their original layout, workflow, and functionality.
  • The files of the project with customization code are removed from the website folder in the file system.
  • The custom files of the project are removed from the website folder on the file system.

Note the following points regarding the changes that are not reversed during the unpublishing of a customization project:

  • Database changes remain in the database. Thus, the database still holds any generic inquiries, reports, changes to the site map, custom tables, custom database objects, and custom data from the customization project. Also, changes to the site map remain in the navigation menu of MYOB Acumatica. If you need to remove these changes, you must do so manually.
  • The .sln file of the integrated Microsoft Visual Studio solution and any projects remain in the file system. However, the customization code of the unpublished customization project and the external files added to the customization project are removed from the solution.

For example, if a customization project introduces a new report, after you publish and unpublish the project, the report stays in the database and remains available in the application, so if you want it to be deleted, you need to remove it manually.

There is no difference in the unpublishing process for a single-tenant site and a multitenant site: The platform deletes the same files in the file system and keeps all the changes in the database.

Steps to Unpublish a Customization Project or Multiple Projects

If there are multiple customization projects published in an instance of MYOB Acumatica, you can unpublish all of these projects or some of them.

To unpublish all customization projects, you perform the following general steps:

  1. You open the Customization Projects (SM204505) form.
  2. On the form toolbar, you click Unpublish All.

The system removes all published customization projects from the MYOB Acumatica instance.

To unpublish some of the customization projects, you perform the following general steps:

  1. You open the Customization Projects form.
  2. In the list of customization projects, you select the check boxes for the projects that you want to remain published, and clear the check boxes for the unnecessary projects.
  3. On the form toolbar, you click Publish.

The system removes all published customization projects from the MYOB Acumatica instance, merges the content of the customization projects that are currently selected on the form, and applies the merged content to the instance.