To Update a Mobile App Screen

In a customization project, you can update an existing screen of the customized MYOB mobile app by using the Customization Project Editor.

To Update a Screen of a Mobile App

  1. Open the Customization Projects (SM204505) form, and in the Project Name column, click the link of the customization project. The Customization Project Editor opens.
  2. Open the Mobile Application page.
  3. On the More menu of the page, click Update Existing Screen.

    The Update Existing Screen dialog box opens.

  4. In the dialog box, specify the ID of the screen you want to update, and click OK.

    The Update: <screen_name> page opens. The new update screen with its details appears in the list of modified screens on the Mobile Application page of the Customization Project Editor.

  5. Explore the original code of the screen in the Result Preview area of the Update: <screen_name> page.
  6. Implement your code by using Mobile Site Map Definition Language (MSDL) in the Commands area of the page. For details, see Screens.
  7. Save your changes.

    Your commands are applied to the site map. If any errors have occurred, you can see them in the Errors area of the page. If your changes have been applied successfully, you can see the updated site map of the main menu in the Result Preview area of the form.

  8. Publish the customization project.