To Reverse Changes Made to Mobile App

When you are customizing the mobile site map in a customization project by using the Customization Project Editor, you might need to reverse the changes you have made to the site map of the MYOB mobile app in this project. You can return to the original site map for one tenant or for all tenants without removing the other changes you have made in the customization project.

To Reverse Changes Made to the Mobile Site Map

To reverse the changes to the mobile site map in a particular customization project, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the customization project in the Customization Project Editor.
  2. Click Mobile Application in the navigation pane to open the Mobile Application page.
  3. On the More menu of the page, click Clear Current Tenant if you want to reverse the changes to the current tenant only. If you want to reverse the changes to all tenants, click Clear All Tenants.

The mobile app customization is unpublished from the selected tenants.

To return to your changes, publish your customization project, as described in To Publish the Current Project.