To Create a Custom Business Logic Controller

You can add a custom business logic controller to a customization project on the Code page of the Customization Project Editor.

To do this, perform the following actions:
  1. Open the customization project in the editor.
  2. Select Code in the navigation pane to open the Code page.
  3. Click Add New Record (+) on the page toolbar.
  4. In the Create Code File dialog box, which opens, select New Graph in the File Template box, as the screenshot below shows.
  5. In the Class Name box, specify the class name of the business logic controller to be created.
  6. Click OK.
    Figure 1. Adding a Code item for a custom graph to the project

The platform creates the code template of the class derived from the PXGraph<> class, saves the code as a Code item of the project in the database, and opens the item in the Code Editor.