To Add a Link
You can create links to places in the current article, to other articles in the same wiki, and to external websites. These links help users quickly access additional information they might need.
To Navigate Within an Article
With a lengthy article, you might want to give users the ability to quickly navigate within the article. To do this, you first insert anchors to mark the beginnings of sections and other positions in the article to which you want to redirect users. You then insert anchor links, which users can click to easily navigate to the defined anchors.
To define an anchor, do the following:
- Open the article.
- On the wiki toolbar, click Edit Current Article to open the article in the Wiki Editor form.
- Click the place within the article where you want to create the anchor.
- Add the anchor by using the following general
where AnchorID is the unique identifier you define for the anchor within the article. It can include any combination of numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, you can use sequential numbers or abbreviated versions of section names as IDs.
You can create as many anchors as you like in the article, but each Anchor ID must be unique.
After you have added the anchor, you can insert as many links to the anchor as you need. To insert an anchor link, do the following:
- With the article still open in the Wiki Editor form, click the place within the article where you want to add the anchor link.
- Add the anchor link by using the following
where AnchorID is the identifier that you defined for the anchor, and LinkText is the text to be displayed as the link. The user clicks this link to navigate to the anchor.
For example, to enable users to return to the top of the article from a place within the article, create an anchor at the top of an article by adding the following syntax at the beginning of the article:
Then add the following syntax to the article in the place where you want to create the link to the top of the article:
[#Top|Return to the top]
Now, each time users click the Return to the top
link, they navigate
to the top of the article.
To Add Links to Articles and Websites
You use wiki links to give users the ability to quickly access other articles within the MYOB Advanced instance.
To add a link to another article, do the following:
- Open the article to which you want to add the link.
- Open the article for editing. Do one of the following:
- On the wiki toolbar, click Edit Current Article to open the entire article in the Wiki Editor form.
- Click Edit to the right of the section to which you want to add the link.
- On the formatting toolbar, click Link. This opens the Wiki Link Editor dialog box.
- In the Wiki Link Editor dialog box, specify the link
- To configure a link to another article, do the following:
- In the Link Type box under the Wiki text box, select Article.
- In the box to the right of the Link Type box, select the article you want to add a link to.
- Optional: In the Caption box, type the text of the link, which the user will click to navigate to the article.
- To configure a link to an external web site, do the following:
- In the Link Type box under the Wiki text box, select URL.
- In the box to the right of the Link Type box, type or paste the URL of the external website.
- In the Caption box, type the text of the link.
- To configure a link to another article, do the following:
- Click anywhere in the Wiki text box to update the link, and then copy the link.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
- Click the position in the text where you want the link to be, and then paste the link.
- In the formatting toolbar, click Save.Note: If you opened the article in the Wiki Editor form, alternatively, you can click Save in the Wiki Editor form toolbar to save your changes and exit the editing mode.
- Check the link displayed in the article by clicking the link text.
In MYOB Advanced Wiki, you use the following basic format for a link:
where ArticleID is the identifier of the article, and LinkText is the text of the link. The user clicks on this word or phrase to navigate to the article for which you specify the identifier.
Here are some examples of wiki links:
: This text is displayed as a link.[Glossary|This is a link to the Glossary]
: This link is displayed with a custom link text (This is a link to the Glossary); clicking the link opens the Glossary article.[~/Pages/GL/GL202500.aspx|Chart of Accounts]
: This link redirects the user to a form in the General Ledger module of MYOB Advanced.
By using external links, you can redirect users to external websites and mail-to links. Here are some examples of external links:
: The system displays this link as a string with the external link icon:[]
: The system displays this text as a mail-to link:[|Contact us]
: The system displays this string as a mail-to link with a custom link text: Contact us.