To Add a Wiki
You can create new wikis to meet the evolving needs of your organization. You can use a wiki to easily share often-used content, such as an employee manual or internal processing instructions, that you need to change with minimal lag time. By using a wiki, you can also organize collaboration on a multi-participant project, such as a business plan or budget, that needs to be managed across distance and time.
Whatever the purpose of your wiki, you can set it up easily by using the Wiki (SM202005) form, as described below.
Before You Proceed
Before you create a new wiki, you need to plan its use, usually in cooperation with other affected parties. You probably have already considered the most basic questions:
- Who will use the wiki?
- How will these employees use it?
- What kind of information will it contain?
- Who will perform the writing, reviewing, and administering?
Before you begin setting up the wiki, you need to consider other questions as well, including the following:
- What type of articles will the wiki consist of? In MYOB Advanced Wiki, a wiki can consist of basic wiki articles or web pages.
- What categories will the wiki articles be placed into? Categories designate the type of content.
- What products will the wiki articles be applied to?
- What roles will have access rights for approving and publishing the wiki?
- What roles will have access rights for the wiki? What access rights should they have?
- Do you want the system to save versions of articles, either globally or for only particular articles?
Also, you will need to define the style (that is, the look and formatting) that will be used for all articles in the wiki. The style is defined by a file with the .css extension. For examples of styles, see Wiki Style Examples.
To Add a Wiki
To create a wiki, you use the Wiki (SM202005) form. You can complete the setup of a wiki all at once or in stages, skipping the optional steps. To add a wiki and specify the required settings for it, do the following:
- Open the Wiki (SM202005) form.
- In the ID box of the General section, enter the unique identifier of the wiki, and in the Name box, enter a name for the wiki.
- In the Approval section, do the following:
- Use the Hold on Edit check box to specify whether
created articles should have the Hold status by default:
- Clear the check box (the default setting) to have the Published status assigned to new articles and to published articles each time they are edited, whether or not an article is versioned.
- Select the check box to have the Hold status assigned to new articles as well as to published articles each time they are edited. If the article is versioned, once it is saved with the Hold check box selected, a new version with the Hold status is created and the published version is still available to users with View Only access rights. If the article is not versioned, the published article is overwritten by a new version with the Hold status and is not available to users with View Only access rights.
- Use the Require Approval check box to specify the
necessity of the approval of the selected wiki by the approval group:
- Clear the Require Approval check box, which is selected by default, if the selected wiki is not subject to approval.
- Select the Require Approval check box if
the selected wiki is subject to approval. In the
Approval Group box, select the wiki
approval group, and in the Approver ID
box, select the user in this group who is responsible for
approving the articles.
For more information about wiki approvals, see Wiki Approval Procedures.
- Use the Hold on Edit check box to specify whether
created articles should have the Hold status by default:
- In the Modern UI section, do the following:
- Select the Show on Help Dashboard check box to display a card for the selected wiki on the Help dashboard.
- In the Sequence box, specify the whole or decimal
number that defines the sequential position of the wiki on the Help
dashboard.Note: MYOB Advanced doesn't verify the sequence number that you specify for each wiki. We recommend that you use different sequence numbers for different wikis to avoid unexpected results.
- Optional: In the Default Article box, select the article to be displayed by default when a user clicks Explore on the wiki card on the Help dashboard. If no article is selected here, the first article of the selected wiki is displayed by default.
- On the Wiki Settings tab, in the Dashboard Description box, type an explanation of the content of the wiki, which will be used on the wiki card on the Help dashboard. In the description box, you can enter 255 characters, but we recommend that you enter no more than 160 characters so that your description fits the wiki card displayed on the Help dashboard.
- In the Classic UI section, do the following:
- In the Site Map Location box, select the node of the site map in which the wiki will be located.
- In the Site Map Title box, type the title of wiki on the site map.
- On the Wiki Settings tab, apply the appropriate style
options for the wiki by doing the following:
- In the Style box of the Look and Feel section, select the prepared file with the CSS styles intended for displaying the articles of the wiki in a browser. If you specify no file, the browser-specific default styles will be used.
- In the Print Style box, select the prepared file with the CSS styles that define how a printed article of the wiki should look. If no file is specified, the browser-specific default styles will be used.
- In the Article Type box, select the type of
articles that will make up the content of the wiki. The following
options are available:
- Article: The basic type of articles. This type of articles may contain various content (text, tables, graphics, and links). Usually this type is used for Help articles.
- KB Article: The type of article especially designed for Knowledge Base articles. This type of articles may contain the same content as basic articles. Additionally, users can rate the articles and leave their feedback for a particular article, which gives you the ability to collect statistics and information on how helpful the articles are.
- Skip the Template, Print
Template, Header, and
Footer boxes until you create wiki templates.Note: You can apply templates to the wiki only after you create them for the selected wiki. For more information, see To Create a Wiki Template and To Apply Templates to a Wiki.
- Optional: In the Miscellaneous section of the
Wiki Settings tab, do the following:
- In the Default Site Map Tag box, select the tag to be used by default for new articles. (This step can be performed later, when at least one tag has been created.)
- In the Public Virtual Path box, specify the web address of the wiki on a local website to be used for access outside of your local network.
- On the form toolbar, click Save to save the settings you've specified for the wiki so far.
- Only if you have selected the node of the site map in which the wiki will be
located in the Site Map Location box (which causes the
system to generate user roles and access rights for the selected wiki), on the
Access Rights tab, configure the access rights for
the wiki by doing the following in the table:
- In the Access Rights column of the first row,
select the proper option for the selected role. The following options,
listed from the most restrictive access rights to the broadest ones, are
available: Note: These access rights apply to all items (folders and articles) within the wiki unless you set different access rights for particular items within it; for more information, see Wiki Access Management.
- Revoked: For users with the role, doesn't allow any access to the wiki and the articles and folders within it, including viewing these items.
- View Only: Allows users with the role to view all published articles and folders within the wiki.
- Edit: Allows users with the role to edit the articles and folders in the wiki.
- Insert: Allows users with the role to edit and create new articles and folders in the wiki.
- Publish: Allows users with the role to edit, create, and directly publish articles and folders (or initiate the approval process for publishing, if this approval is required for the wiki) in the wiki.
- Delete: Allows users with the role to delete articles and folders within the wiki, in addition to the rights at lower levels of access.
- Repeat the previous substep for each additional row with a role listed.
- On the form toolbar, click Save to change the access rights for the roles.
- In the Access Rights column of the first row,
select the proper option for the selected role. The following options,
listed from the most restrictive access rights to the broadest ones, are
- Optional: On the Tags tab, create the list of tags to be
used to mark the versions of articles in the wiki. To create the tags, do the
following:Note: Tags can be created at any time and are not required for initial wiki setup.
- In the table toolbar, click Add Row to add a new blank row to the table.
- In the Description box, type a descriptive name for the tag.
- Repeat the two previous substeps for each tag you want to add.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.