Wiki Overview
By using MYOB Advanced wikis, users can create, edit, and share information. Organizations can easily create specialized wikis for sharing information within project teams, within and across departments, or with external users. Wiki users can share policy and procedure manuals, employee manuals, business plans, individual plans, task lists, and other frequently updated documents. These users benefit from wiki version tracking and security. Also, users can attach files in any format to wiki articles.
MYOB Advanced wikis facilitate efficient content management practices. With MYOB Advanced wikis, digital content consists of articles organized logically within folders. Employees can easily:
- Set up wikis.
- Structure articles and folders within wikis to best fit users' needs.
- Write and edit articles with ease and flexibility.
- Track changes.
- Implement preferred review procedures and standards before each article is published.
The Document Management module provides advanced functionality for wiki management.
Help Wiki
MYOB Advanced provides a predefined wiki, Help, that includes the complete set of online documentation. As with any other wiki, the Help wiki can be modified, if needed. However, we strongly recommend that you restrict the ability to modify this wiki.
User-Defined Wikis
MYOB Advanced supports user-created wikis. You can create a new wiki by using the Wiki (SM202005) form. The functionality of the wiki is defined by the article type you select for the wiki (the Article type or KB Article type). You can also specify the access rights the roles have to the entire wiki. For more information about the process of adding a wiki, see To Add a Wiki
Display of a Wiki in MYOB Advanced
In the user interface of MYOB Advanced, users with the appropriate level of access rights can add a wiki card to a Help dashboard. This capability makes information from the wiki available for other users, depending on the access rights defined for them on the Access Rights tab of the selected wiki. Alternatively, you can hide a wiki displayed on the Help dashboard if users no longer use it. For more information on how to add a wiki card to the Help dashboard or hide it on this dashboard, see To Display and Hide a Wiki in the UI.
User-Defined Wiki Templates
In MYOB Advanced, users that have the Insert, Publish, and Delete levels of access rights can create templates for wiki articles to make it easier for users to quickly create articles with the needed formatting. Wiki templates are used to define the default style and components of the article, its printed version, its header, and its footer within the selected wiki. You create and save these templates in the wiki you want to apply them to.
Templates are defined in the system as articles, and the system recognizes templates among other articles by the specific ID defined for them. To create the template for the article and the printing template, you type ContainerTemplate: before the template ID. To create the templates for headers and footers, you type GenTemplate: before the template ID. Do not use spaces in these IDs. For more information, see To Create a Wiki Template.
You use the Wiki (SM202005) form to apply a template to the wiki. For more information, see To Apply Templates to a Wiki
Presentation of Wiki Articles
You can use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to specify how the articles in the wiki will be displayed and printed. For style examples, see Wiki Style Examples.
Access to Wikis
In MYOB Advanced, you configure access to all system entities, including wikis, by using roles. To allow users to view published articles or modify wikis, among other tasks, you have to create appropriate roles and configure each role to have the needed access rights for wikis. For more information on setting up the access that roles have to wikis, see Wiki Access Management.
Wiki Content Management
The management of wiki content may consist of multiple phases: creating new articles, editing the article text, publishing the articles so other users can read them, and removing outdated materials. MYOB Advanced Wiki supports all the phases that apply in your organization.
You can edit the article as a whole, including its properties, or make content edits to a particular section of the article.
For more information, see Wiki Content Procedures.
Wiki Markup
In MYOB Advanced, to format the text of the articles, you use wiki markup, a straightforward syntax that uses special markup elements. For more information, see Wiki Markup Reference.
Wiki Article Approval
In most organizations, certain phases of content management involve the collaboration of multiple workgroups. For example, consider an article created by one author and edited by other users of the same group. Before the article can be published, your organization may require approval by one workgroup or multiple workgroups. In MYOB Advanced, you can configure approval procedures to ensure that articles are approved by authorized employees before they are published. For more information, see Wiki Approval Procedures.
Categories for Wiki Articles
You can use categories to mark the type of content that wiki articles contain. Categories, along with other features, help readers find necessary information when they perform searches. You can add and delete categories and select articles included in a category. For more information on managing categories, see To Use Categories in Wikis.
Products for Wiki Articles
You can mark the articles that apply to different products or product versions. Products, along with other features, help readers find necessary information when they perform searches. You can add and delete products and select the articles that apply to the product. For more information on managing categories and products, see To Use Products in Wikis.
Wiki Article Versions
With article versioning turned on, each time you save an edited article, a new version of the article is created. You can view the history of revisions and switch to any version of the article. Also, you can compare article versions and review the statistics related to the comparison. For more information, see To Track Changes in Wiki Articles and To Compare Wiki Article Versions.
Visibility in MYOB Advanced of a Wiki Article Created on the Customer Portal
You can create a wiki article on Customer Portal and display it in MYOB Advanced. For example, suppose that you have added a FAQ article on Customer Portal and would like to make it visible to the support engineers of your organization who use MYOB Advanced.
To make a wiki article created on Customer Portal visible in MYOB Advanced, you do the following:
- Select the wiki that contains the article you want to display in MYOB Advanced.
- Add the wiki to the MYOB Advanced site map.
- Set up access rights to the wiki and the article for users who may need to view them during their work.
For the detailed procedure, see To Make a Wiki Article Visible in MYOB Advanced.