Wiki Approval Procedures
Articles in a wiki must be published to be seen by all users. An organization may require articles to be approved by authorized employees before they may be published. In MYOB Advanced, you can configure approval procedures by using roles and wiki functionality, as described below.
Approval by Using Roles
In MYOB Advanced, access to any wiki is determined by the roles assigned to users. You can use roles to facilitate the approval of wiki articles by performing the following steps:
- Configure a role for wiki authors that has access to the required wiki folders (or the entire wiki) at the Insert level. Users who have this role assigned will be able to create new articles and edit existing ones, but will not be able to publish articles.
- Configure a role for wiki publishers, and give the role access to the required wiki folders (or the entire wiki) at the Publish level. Users assigned to this role will be able to publish the articles after they approve of article content. Assign this role to users qualified to approve and publish articles.
- On the Wiki (SM202005) form, make sure that the Require Approval check box is cleared for the wiki for which approval will be performed through roles.
A user with the wiki publisher role can publish an article by opening the Wiki Editor form for the article, clearing the Hold check box, and saving the article.
Approval by Using Wiki Functionality
You can also use built-in wiki functionality to enable wiki article approval. To make approval required for a specific wiki, do the following:
- On the Configuration tab, click Document Management. In the left pane, click to open the Wiki (SM202005) form.
- In the Summary area, in the ID box, select the wiki.
- Select the Hold on Entry check box to assign Hold status to any article after it has been edited. If the article has versions, a new version with the Hold status is created and the last published version is still available to users with View Only access. If the article is not versioned, a new version with the Hold status overwrites the published article; this new version is not available to users with View Only access rights.
- Select the Require Approval check box.
- In the Approval Group box, select the workgroup to
perform approvals for articles in the wiki. The default user of the group is
initially specified as the approver, but you can select another member of the
group in the Approver ID box.Note: You can configure the wiki approval groups by using the Company Tree (EP204061) form.
- In the form toolbar, click Save.
To begin the process of publishing an article, the user who created or edited the article clears the Hold check box in the Summary area of the Contents tab of the Wiki Editor form. This changes the article status to Pending. The approver periodically finds articles with the Pending status for viewing and editing by using the Wiki Articles (SM202025) form. The approver can view and edit any listed articles.
This form also lets the approver process one or more articles. The approver can add keywords, change the parent folder, assign a category, and approve or reject the article. When the article is processed, its status changes as follows:
- If approved, the article has the Published status, and the Approved check box (visible on the Content tab when the article is open in the Wiki Editor form) is selected for it.
- If rejected, the article has the On Hold status, and the Rejected check box (also on the Content tab) is selected for it.
An article becomes escalated if its approval was requested but the article was not approved within the wait time specified for the workgroup assigned to approve articles in the wiki. Escalated articles become visible to users of the workgroup that is positioned at one level higher on the company tree. Escalated articles can be approved by the user they were initially assigned to or by a user from the group to which the approval was escalated.